Citizens voters, and taxpayers have asked, “Where is Friends of Clarksville”. Remember the political forums? FOC was there. Remember the conflicting information concerning the City Court? FOC researched the city code and the audits to clarify the issue.
Did you know someone wanted to build a power plant in Clarksville? FOC did and provided your elected officials (County Commissioners and City Council) with a fact book. The power company quietly left town after refusing to participate in a question and answer forum open to the public. Did you know TVA may be planning to build an electrical power transmission line over your house? FOC does and we are still waiting for the final “Final” decision on the corridor. Did you participate in the City-County Consolidation forums to voice your questions and concerns? FOC was there but we didn’t see very many of you. Did you complete the County questionnaire? I did’t think so; otherwise the percentage of participation would have been higher.
For those readers who are not familiar with Friends of Clarksville (FOC), please let me explain the Mission of FOC:
Friends of Clarksville is an action-oriented, registered non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the well-being and quality of ALL citizens of Clarksville and Montgomery County. We will accomplish our mission by:
1. Striving to increase active citizen involvement and bringing our citizens together to help identify, study, evaluate, and prioritize community issues.
2. Advocating responsible planning for Clarksville’s growth by promoting and supporting sensible growth control and management to keep our community livable.
3. Monitoring local governments to insure they function in an open, impartial manner, and to insure public funds are used wisely.
4. Encouraging concerned, capable, and qualified men and women, that are honest and possess integrity, to seek elected offices in city and county government. Monitor their actions after being elected, to insure they maintain their integrity and keep their campaign promises.
5. Keeping the public informed through public meetings, press releases, announcements, newsletters, and letters to the editor so our citizens will stop standing by silently, and work together to bring an end to “self-serving special interests”.
These are just a few issues that FOC will be following in the new year; Update the City Charter, Title VI Implementation, lost City Court revenue, sidewalks and street lights, loss of tax revenue from non-profit retail sales, out of control development, Fort Defiance, River District, marina, animal control, boat dock, conference center, event center, discrimination in City Government, No Child Left Behind, school expansion, Public Access Television, and the suspension/expulsion rates in our schools just to mention a few.
We missed you at our first meeting of 2007. Friends of Clarksville needs your support. Can you do research? Can you print newsletters and fliers? Can you call elected officials and provide them with facts? Can you attend City, County, and School government meetings and take notes? Can you make a donation? Can you give us some of your time? A concerned and active membership and financial backing is essential in keeping our organization viable. Please join our ranks today and contribute generously so we can carry out our mission.
FOC meets every third Thursday of the month at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library at 0630 PM in the small meeting room. Let us know what local issues you are concerned about.
Please contact FOC President Dr. Charles Cook (931.358.5268), e-mail FOC at:, or drop us a line at Friends of Clarksville, P.O. Box 30804,Clarksville, TN 37040.
I hope we see you at our next meeting!