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HomeEventsThe Friends of Dunbar Cave Meeting/Local Historian Randy Rubel to talk about...

The Friends of Dunbar Cave Meeting/Local Historian Randy Rubel to talk about Civil War history and Dunbar Cave

Randy Ruebel, A Local Civil War HistorianOn Thursday, January 18th at 6:30 p.m, The Friends of Dunbar Cave has arranged for local Historian Randy Rubel to talk about Civil War history and Dunbar Cave. This will take place in the visitor center, at the Dunbar Cave State Natural Area. Admission is free and the event is open to the public.

Amongst other stories, Randy will tell us about the Union soldiers’ barbecue at Dunbar Cave, and how the black community formed what was then known as African Town. HeĀ will also be presenting a slide show.

Upcoming news article about the Friends!

The Leaf Chronicle will be on hand at 5:30 before the 6:00 meeting this Thursday evening to talk to and interview Friends members about our organization and the different activities the Friends are involved in. Maria McClure is writing a special article for the Leaf for Sunday’s paper. If you are a member and would like to contribute to the article please come to the visitor center at 5:30 p.m.

Friends Updates

The AudioVisual Room is progressing nicely. David is doing a lot of hard work: the screen is ā€œupā€ ā€“ actually painted on the wall and framed, the speakers are hung, the projector is almost connected to everything it needs to be connected to, the sound baffles will be up soon ā€“ we are looking forward to our first program being presented in there on January 18.

A few flowers are blooming in this nice warm weather ā€“ Dandelion, Henbit and Dead Nettle. The Red-shouldered Hawks are doing their pre-mating thing, flying around and screaming at each other.

We had a meeting in December with a representative from Finance and Administration about the exhibits project, so that is moving along. Hopefully it will be put out to bid soon.

Adam is out of the Academy and back at work, Will has left us due to a move to Oregon. We will be doing interviews at Austin Peay in February, looking for our new Seasonal Interpretive Rangers, so if you know of someone who is at least a junior in college and would like to work here for the summer, please steer them our way.

The Girl Scouts made a donation of $50.00 to the park as thanks for having Twilight Camp here last summer. We are very grateful to them and hope to find the perfect thing to spend it on soon.

At the regular Friends of Dunbar Cave meeting at 6pm

Dottie Mann of the Clarksville Tree Board will discuss with us a special tree planting event on Arbor Day, March 2, to occur at the park and what the Friends can do to assist in this special event.

Additionally, we will have a birthday celebration of a great Friend, long-time and very special member, Marguerite Rubel.

Spring Fling

Mark April 28 on your 2007 calendar, now, for the annual Friends of Dunbar Cave Spring Fling.

New Members Welcome!

If you are not currently a Friends of Dunbar Cave member please attend the 6:00pm meeting. You can fill out your registration and get your membership processed before it starts. Annual Memberships are $8 for Students, $15 Personal, $25 Family, $100 Small Business, $150 Silver Corporate, $500 Gold Corporate, or $1000 for Platinum Corporate. Lifetime memberships are available at very reasonable rates.

For more information visit their website, or contact directly…

Bill Larson
Bill Larson
Bill Larson isĀ  is politically and socially active in the community. Bill is a member of the Friends of Dunbar Cave. You can reach him via telephone at 931-249-0043 or via the email address below.


  1. There were over 35 people at the meeting. Randy shared some interesting facts and great stoires. His slides were very entertaining and I think everyone had a great time. We shared cake and sang to Marguerite Rubel, 87 years young. Marguerite told me recently that she used to play piano and sing at the hotel at Dunbar Cave. She said people would come from all over to get the benefits from the mineral water in this area. SheĀ drank it also. I think it worked!
    At one point Randy asked how many Dunbar Cave previous life guards were in the room and quite a few hands went up! Randy asked that people who have old pictures of Dunbar Cave bring them in to Dunbar to be copiedĀ in order to preserve that part of its incredible history. Also, people who have their own stories to tell, please contact Dunbar Cave State Natural Area at (931) 648-5526.

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