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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn Report: Questioning President Joe Biden’s Coordination With Big Tech

Marsha Blackburn Report: Questioning President Joe Biden’s Coordination With Big Tech

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – Tennesseans want the radicals pushing Critical Race Theory stopped in their tracks. Bureaucrats are abusing their power, shifting their focus from arithmetic to radical Marxist thinking.

This week, I demanded answers from the nation’s largest teachers’ union–the NEA–regarding their threat to research parents, teachers, and students opposed to Critical Race Theory. Read more about my work to keep CRT out of the classroom here.

Questioning Joe Biden’s Coordination With Big Tech

What the Joe Biden White House is doing—namely, ordering big tech companies to ban Americans that do not regurgitate government-approved messaging—is what authoritarian regimes do. The American people deserve to know the extent of the White House’s coordination with Big Tech.

I called on the Biden administration to release information on the extent of their coordination with Big Tech; President Biden should waive executive privilege and release relevant emails and other documentation. Read more about my efforts to counter censorship.

Stopping Use Of China’s Digital Yuan

The Chinese Communist Party employs digital payment platforms to surveil, threaten, and build bogus cases against Chinese citizens. I championed the effort alongside Senator Wicker and Senator Lummis to forbid American athletes from using the CCP’s Digital Yuan during the upcoming Beijing Olympics. Click here to read more about our efforts against China’s invasive currency scheme. 

Protecting Breast Cancer Screening Access

Breast cancer is far too common a disease. One woman out of eight will develop some form of breast cancer during her life, so most of us know firsthand how devastating it can be for our families and friends. Along with Senator Dianne Feinstein, I introduced the Protecting Access to Lifesaving Screenings (PALS) Act of 2021, to preserve coverage for routine breast cancer screening for women beginning at age 40.

By making these screenings available during an age in which this disease can be most aggressive, it is possible to save the lives of so many sisters, daughters, mothers, and even grandmothers.

Defending The Second Amendment

Tennesseans are strong supporters of the Second Amendment, and this week, I joined my colleagues in the Senate on an amicus brief in a Second Amendment case the Supreme Court is set to hear this fall. We must protect the right to bear arms!


Bolstering Rural Health Care

Rural Tennessee communities know all too well that when hospitals close, they will be left without medical care when emergencies arise. Filling the rural health care gap must be a priority. The Rural Health Innovation Act, which I’m championing alongside Senator John Hickenlooper from Colorado, will employ a collaborative federal, state, and local approach to provide urgent care solutions for rural areas in the Volunteer State and across America.

News You Can Use

I always have a good time at my local farmers market. Be sure to support your local market by popping in for fresh flowers and produce!


The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee was ranked in the top ten of America’s most productive federal courts. Thank you for your work to uphold the rule of law in the Volunteer State!




Congratulations to Robertson County’s Lee and Halie Bagwell, our most recent Tennessee Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award winners.


This week, the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association stopped by my office on Capitol Hill. Thank you, TVPPA for your work to find innovative solutions to provide power for the Volunteer State!



Marsha’s Roundup

We are witnessing a crisis like no other because of Biden’s refusal to secure the border.

The Cuban government has cut off internet access to freedom fighters rebelling against communism. But, there’s hope: 1.3 million Cubans still have internet access thanks to the Open Technology Fund Act I championed. We must support the Cuban people’s fight for freedom.



Washington elitists are paying for their endless spending by stealing from future generations.

How long will Fauci keep shuffling his story on the Wuhan lab?

Stay In Touch

Be sure to follow my work on behalf of Tennesseans on social media: 

Facebook: facebook.com/marshablackburn
Twitter: @MarshaBlackburn
Instagram: @MarshaBlackburn

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