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HomeNewsClarksville Police Union’s 2nd annual Cops and Bobbers a real success

Clarksville Police Union’s 2nd annual Cops and Bobbers a real success

Clarksville Police Union

Clarksville Police UnionClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Police Union, comprised of local enforcement officers, held their second annual Cops and Bobbers at Liberty Park’s pond.

There were 50 eager fishers on hand ready to do battle and try to outsmart the elusive fish. There were varying degree of success in that endeavor, but everyone seemed have a good time.

All the participants were provided everything needed for their fishing adventure from tackle boxes to bait. There were also snacks and drinks given out to help keep the boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 12 fueled and strong.

2nd annual Cops and Bobbers was held at the Liberty Park pond.
2nd annual Cops and Bobbers was held at the Liberty Park pond.

It was great to see the smiles and laughter when someone caught a fish and proudly showed off their catch. Cops and Bobbers along with Christmas with a Cop, sponsorship of several baseball teams, and purchase of back to school supplies are a sampling of the programs the Clarksville Police Union are involved with in the community.

The Clarksville Police Union would like to thanks the members of the community and local businesses for their support to help make these programs possible.

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