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HomeNewsClarksville Police Department's Traffic Unit receives Three Awards

Clarksville Police Department’s Traffic Unit receives Three Awards

Clarksville Police Department - CPDClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Police Department’s traffic unit has dedicated itself to making the roadways in Clarksville safer for it citizens.

The traffic unit’s hard work and efforts were recognized at the Tennessee Lifesaver Conference.  They were the recipients of three auspicious awards.

Clarksville Police Department's Traffic Unit takes Three Awards at 30th Annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference and 13th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge
Clarksville Police Department’s Traffic Unit takes Three Awards at 30th Annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference and 13th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge


Special Category Award for Distracted Driving

The Clarksville Police Department recognized the necessity to address distracted driving and made it a priority for 2016. They ramped up their education programs, public information campaigns, increased enforcement and focused on distracted driving.

The recognition of their efforts exemplifies the police department’s commitment to saving lives, reducing injuries, and educating our citizens.

2nd Place Law Enforcement Challenge in the 201-500 Sworn Officer Category

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO), the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police (TACP), and the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association (TSA) have joined forces to strengthen and support traffic enforcement nationwide by providing the Law Enforcement Challenge program, an innovative program designed to stimulate traffic law enforcement activities.

The program targets three major traffic safety priorities: occupant protection, impaired driving, and speeding. The Law Enforcement Challenge provides law enforcement agencies with an opportunity to make a significant difference in the communities they serve.

The program format allows for agencies to learn from one another and establish goals in traffic safety enforcement and education. Ultimately, the Law Enforcement Challenge is about saving lives and reducing injuries. Clarksville Police Department is proud of its achievement as being a consistent winner in this category, taking three first place awards in 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Director’s Award, Lt Phil Ashby

Director’s Award, Lt Phil Ashby
Director’s Award, Lt Phil Ashby

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office Director’s Award was created to recognize outstanding efforts by partners of the THSO in a wide variety of disciplines. The honorees exemplify exceptional performances of passion and dedication to saving lives and whose practices led to a reduction in crashes and/or lifesaving methods, helping the State of Tennessee achieve continued success.

Lt Ashby was recognized for his contributions to Hands Across the Border Sobriety Checkpoint, assistance to the Tennessee Highway Patrol and area law enforcement agencies in conducting sobriety checkpoints and D.U.I and traffic enforcement. Lt Ashby has been the Commander of the Traffic/Parks Unit since 2011 and has been with the Clarksville Police Department for over 25 years.

Clarksville Police Department's Traffic Unit takes Three Awards at 30th Annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference and 13th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge
Clarksville Police Department’s Traffic Unit takes Three Awards at 30th Annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference and 13th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge

The Clarksville Police Department would also like to congratulate Fort Campbell for their achievement of winning a First Place in the Law Enforcement Challenge in the Military category and Austin Peay State University for winning First Place in the Law Enforcement Challenge in the University Police Category.


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