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HomeNewsLt. Col. Lyle Finley takes command of Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion

Lt. Col. Lyle Finley takes command of Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion

Blanchfield Army Hospital - BACH - Fort Campbell KYFort Campbell, KY – Blanchfield Army Community Hospital commander Col. Telita Crosland depicted great confidence in Lt. Col. Lyle “Chip” Finley during the Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion assumption of command ceremony Friday morning at the former non-commissioned officer parade field that sits across from the Warrior Transition Battalion complex.

Crosland said, “Chip is a proven leader, in and out of uniform. He brings with him a unique perspective as a former MI (military intelligence) officer to our formation. I’m confident that this perspective will not only inspire but bring meaningful and impactful results.”

Lt. Col. Lyle "Chip" Finley assumes Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion Command July 10th. (BACH)
Lt. Col. Lyle “Chip” Finley assumes Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion Command July 10th. (BACH)

Welcoming Finley into the battalion, Crosland said that this community brings a phenomenal legacy, but it brings energy, a focus and support that will enable his success. “A warrior transition command is one of the most sacred and humble opportunities. I have the upmost trust and confidence in your abilities to lead with professionalism.”

Crosland told the WTB Soldiers, cadre, staff and honored guests that warrior transition units highlight the Army’s commitment to ensure our support to wounded, ill and injured Soldiers. “It’s an enduring mission, one that will remain at the forefront of Army Medicine. As Army Medicine transforms, I think it is important that I take a moment today to highlight and to emphasize that the (WTU) focus will not change. It will not be silenced through that mission.”

Lt. Col. Lyle "Chip" Finley assumes Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion Command July 10th. (BACH)
Lt. Col. Lyle “Chip” Finley assumes Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion Command July 10th. (BACH)

Crosland elaborated that today’s ceremony speaks to that focus as she welcomed Finley who was hand selected from a highly competitive field of officers and confirmed by the former 101st Deputy Commanding General Maj. Gen. Mark Stammer.

When Finley stood at the podium and offered his remarks to the WTB Soldiers, staff and guests attending the ceremony, he stated he is honored and humbled at the opportunity to serve the Soldiers transitioning and the staff. His message remained consistent following the ceremony, Finley said, “I want to ensure the cadre, the staff and all the support systems we have in place here are genuinely the best we can offer.”

Finley spoke about his own life of transitions as he served in the Navy full time and then the Navy Reserves. For the past 21 years, he has worked in the civilian community as a financial planner. He also serves in the Army Reserves but recently engaged in full time active Army during his deployment to Kosovo and now as the warrior transition battalion commander.

During the ceremony Friday, Finley told the Soldiers in formation and in the audience, “I believe my ability to make a series of transitions in my life will allow me to assist each and every one of you with your own transitions, whether back into the Army or as a contributing member of our great society as a Veteran.”

“It is my intention to ensure that we as a WTB staff do our best to set you up for success and transition. In the end, the WTB is not about me, the staff, it is about you. We are here for you, your success and your future endeavors and you will be our top priority. I look forward to working with you all and please know that my door will be open.”


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