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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn introduces Legislation to delay Obamacare for One Year

Marsha Blackburn introduces Legislation to delay Obamacare for One Year

U.S. House of Representatives - 7th District TennesseeWashington, D.C. – Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has introduced legislation to delay Obamacare for one year. H.R. 2809 would delay all provisions of the Affordable Care Act taking effect on January 1st, 2014 or later by one year from the date of enactment.

Additionally, this bill would delay all Obamacare taxes by one year.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn at her Town Hall Meeting in Clarksville, TN

Blackburn’s legislation builds on efforts in the House last week to delay both the individual and employer mandates. Co-sponsors include Representatives Andy Harris (R-MD); Mark Meadows (R-NC); Tom Price (R-GA); Joe Wilson (R-SC); and Kevin Yoder (R-KS).

“Through our investigation at the Energy and Commerce Committee and the feedback I get from businesses and families in Tennessee on a daily basis, I have seen just how frustrated people are with the impact Obamacare is having on their lives. It has become very clear that this law is completely unworkable,” Blackburn said. “With their recent decision to delay the employer mandate it appears that even the Obama administration now recognizes what the rest of the country already knows: Obamacare is a train wreck.

“As I continue my fight to fully repeal Obamacare and replace it with solutions that will actually work for the American people, this legislation is the right step to take. In fairness to hard-working American taxpayers the best thing we can do right now is to delay for one year and continue to chip away at this disastrous law.”



  1. Yet more ground cover for the next election without doing anything to serve the interest if the American People. There is only one thing that can be done legislatively regarding Obamacare, within the power of the U.S. House of Representatives, under control of the GOP and that is DEFUND OBAMACARE.
    To do anything else means the end of our Constitution and our Republic. If Obamacare is not defunded and Mr. Obama continues to be allowed to pick and choose what laws of portions of laws he will of will not uphold… we a dictatorship.

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