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Leap of Faith MinistriesClarksville, TN – No one denies that there are pleasures connected with drugs. Even the Bible admits that the world offers pleasure but it speaks of them as the “passing pleasures of sin”. (Hebrew 11:25) They are pleasures, but they don’t last. And the price men have to pay for indulging in them is too high.

What should be the attitude of believers towards the drug scene with its amphetamines, barbituates, heroin, cocaine, PCP, opium, weed, LSD, peyote, glue, nitrous oxide, and prescription drugs; such as codeine, Darvon and Percoden?  Does the Bible have anything to say about them?

When Paul lists the lust of the flesh in (Galatians 5:19-21), he included the words sorcery or witch craft depending on which translation you have. In the original language of the New Testament, the word is “Pharmakia”, meaning the use of drugs, potions, spells or enchantments.

It is a reminder that drugs are used in the magical arts, which are part of the world of demonism. Of course there is a valid use of drugs, when prescribed by a doctor, but the Bible is speaking about the use of drugs by which doctors, spirit mediums, and others involve in spiritism.

We know that mind-expanding drugs carry the user into the realm of the transcendental and actually open his life to the entrance of demons. Some converted addicts claim that it is impossible to get hooked on strong drugs without at the same time becoming demon-possessed.

The goal of a demon is always to destroy. (Mark 9:22; John 10:10) There is no exception to this rule.  He will seek to destroy either the drug user or some other victim. That explains many of the senseless, brutal crimes that we hear about today, it is important to recognize this link between drugs, demons and destruction, and to avoid getting involved.

Of course, there are other reasons why a believer should stay away from harmful chemicals. They are addicting, and a Christian shouldn’t allow himself to be enslaved to any habits. (Romans 6:16-23) They are expensive. In order to maintain the habit men are often driven to theft and violence and woman are sometimes driven to prostitution.

Created To Believe: The Power of Praise Through Practical Biblical TruthsInfections from needles, emaciation, and damage to the immune system are only a few of the results to the body. Often the damage to the mind is irreversible. Addicts became zombies, weirdoes, and suicidal. Add to this the fact that the use of most drugs is illegal.

Violators invite arrests, trials, heavy legal expenses, and if convicted imprisonment. And there is always the danger of overdose, often followed by a ride to the cemetery or crematorium.


Excerpt from Created To Believe: The Power of Praise Through Practical Biblical Truths written by Richard “Reason” Garrett

Copyright © 2011 Liberated Publishing Inc

Richard Garrett
Richard Garretthttp://leaporg.net/
City Councilman Richard "Reason" Garrett has gained extensive business knowledge and negotiating skills as the Executive Director of the LEAP Organization.  LEAP Org provides youth development services.  As a licensed realtor for Keller Williams Realty, he is known for his tenacity, perseverance, honesty, and fairness.  A proud APSU alum, Richard graduated with Honors with a Bachelors in Public Management.
Richard is a former active duty Marine, father of 4, and a husband with strong ties to the community. He is a graduate of Leadership Clarksville and a member of Clarksville Rotary, Clarksville Area Ministerial Association, Chamber of Commerce, Clarksville Association of Realtors Public Relations & Charity Relations Committees, and Clarksville Community Partners Group.
For more information on Richard visit www.reason4clarksville.com. He can be contacted directly at 931-378-0500 or via email richard@reason4clarksville.com

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