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HomeNewsTennessee Board of Education to Consider Inflicting Additional Pain on Public Educators

Tennessee Board of Education to Consider Inflicting Additional Pain on Public Educators

New policy proposals would affect Teacher Pay and Licensure

Tennessee State Representative - District 67Nashville, TN – The Tennessee Board of Education will meet in regular session on Friday, June 21st in Nashville. Chief among the business items on their agenda is a proposal by the Tennessee Department of Education that will adversely affect teacher pay in the state.

In effect, the proposal would mean teachers in the first five years of their tenure would receive less pay and not be eligible for salary increases, despite their performance or obtaining additional education.

Tennessee State Representative Joe Pitts
Tennessee State Representative Joe Pitts

“This is just another attempt to undermine the profession of education and stick it to the teachers of our state,” said Tennessee State Representative Joe Pitts (D-Clarksville). “It is time to stop picking on teachers and focus on the issue that has a far greater impact on student performance – poverty.”

The other proposed policy change will change the licensure renewal program for teachers in the state.  The proposal will tie licensure renewal to teacher effectiveness data, or test scores.  The proposal also adversely affects administrators that hold teaching licensure by restricting their ability to have their license renewed.

“Reduced pay, and restricted access to licensure renewal is yet another insult to the teachers in our state,” said Pitts.  “These proposals will further destroy morale and only drive our fine educators away from the noble profession of teaching.”

For more information about the state Board of Education meeting please go to http://www.tn.gov/sbe/2013June.shtml


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