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HomeBusinessDBS & Associates Engineering gets Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

DBS & Associates Engineering gets Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified

Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification ProgramMontgomery County, TN – The latest business to become Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certified is DBS & Associates Engineering.

When David B. Smith, company president, decided DBS & Associates Engineering would participate in CMC Green Certification, he asked three employees to form a “green team” and work with employees throughout the firm to solicit ideas and take the steps to become green certified.

DBS & Associates Engineering Green Certification Ribbon Cutting.
DBS & Associates Engineering Green Certification Ribbon Cutting.

“We hosted a luncheon with all of our employees to get ideas from them and educate them on what we could do,” Smith said.

The DBS & Associates green team included Ryan Philpott, Jack Smith, and Cal Burchett.

Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and Clarksville City Mayor Kim McMillan were at the green ribbon cutting to congratulate the company on their accomplishment.

“I applaud you David, your green team and your employees for making a difference. Pete Reed has told us that efforts from businesses like yours are helping to reduce waste and increase recycling and we appreciate it,” said Mayor Bowers.

“If every business in Clarksville would do what you are doing our community would realize a big difference,” stated Mayor McMillan. She also inquired how employees might be integrating the “green” practices in their personal lives.

The company made significant lighting upgrades prior to participating in the program and wanted to keep moving forward in a direction that would help the company save money and reduce waste.

Ryan Philpott explained that employees are encouraged to bring items from home that can be recycled into work. The company partnered with Bi-County Solid Waste Management to take paper, which was their highest volume of waste. Philpott explained that they also partnered with CMCSS to take their heavy duty cardboard rolls that are used by teachers for various projects.

Among other things, DBS & Associates has made the extra effort to reduce energy by cutting off all unnecessary lights, consolidate work trips and adjust the thermostats during and after work hours.

Smith took the opportunity at their ribbon cutting to request even greater efficiency with government projects regarding the number of plans supplied to the government offices. Both mayors promised to see how they may be able to promote more electronic use in their departments.

For information on how your business could participate in the CMC Green Certification Program, contact Michelle Newell at manewell@mcgtn.net


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