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HomeNewsDepartment of Justice to Hold Meeting with Minority Leaders in Clarksville

Department of Justice to Hold Meeting with Minority Leaders in Clarksville

US Department of Justice SealA representative from the United States Department of Justice Community Relations Service (CRS) will give a presentation on the functions and duties of the Department of Justice and the (CRS). This agency is known for its proactive approach and promotion of the principles and ideals of non-discrimination to all people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds.

When: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Clarksville Montgomery County Public Library,
350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville, TN.
Moderator: Pastor Tommy Vallejos
Admission: FREE and the event is OPEN to the public!

The featured organizations who are sponsoring this event will take this opportunity to address the United States Department of Justice representative about the following items of interest and the provisions of protection we have under the law.

Right’s of Incarcerated Immigrants, Profiling of Minority Students & Citizens, Immigration Rights & Reform, Right’s of American Born Children of Undocumented Immigrants, Non – Placement of Minority Students in Advance Placement (AP) Classes, Predatory Lending Practices, Fair & Equitable Labor Rights, Discrimination and Title VI Compliance and Mandates.

Created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CRS is the only Federal agency dedicated to assist State and local units of government, private and public organizations, and community groups with prevention, resolution and highly skilled professional methods of consolation.

* As required by federal law, all government and congressional leaders have been notified.

For more information Contact:

The NAACP LogoTerry McMoore
NAACP Tennessee State Conference of Branches
Press & Publicity Coordinator
(931) 378-1999 / (931) 552-9076



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