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HomeArts/LeisureThistle Farm products soften holiday stress

Thistle Farm products soften holiday stress

Founder/Director & Episcopal Priest Becca Stevens

The spirit of the “holiday season,” which is kicked off by Thanksgiving, is buoyed by hopeful, upbeat music and encouragement to express good will to all, but is often squelched by frenetic desires to do too much. That overwhelming energy zap can be circumvented in at least three inspirational ways by the women of Magdalene House, who will speak on Sunday, December 7 at 10:30 a.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Clarksville.

What can this program do for you?

1. You’ll give yourself the gift of absorbing astonishing stories of hope and even self-redemption. Even though I contend personally that we’re all already “redeemed” just as we are, I’ve noticed that a process of self-acceptance (“love” if you will) must be honored. Magdalene House offers women who have fallen into prostitution and drug abuse the opportunity to change those influences through group support. In a November 3 Nashville City paper article, Nate Rau quotes a Magdalene House participant, “. . . it’s the love, the support. . . They’re not judgmental.” The success rate of approximately ¾ of graduates never returning to prostitution or drugs speaks for itself. Founder/Director and Episcopal priest Becca Stevens told Rau, “We ask people to give in gratitude for all they have been given.”

2. You can give to this wonderful program by simultaneously enjoying Thistle Farms pampering products, made by women in the program, which include: candles, room spray, multi-fragranced or non-fragranced lotions and soaps, mini-sachets, salt scrubs and body and lip balms.

3. You can buy these excellent-quality products for others in the true spirit of the season, thereby radiating your generosity out even further.

After hearing two women share their heart-rending stories to our teary-eyed congregation last year, I strongly recommend that you join us in person, but if you can’t, you can order from this extraordinary organization at www.thistlefarms.org.

Stevens, who started “Thistle Farms” in 2002, has written two books. “Hither & Yon” is Stevens’ latest book encompassing her thoughts on steps you can take and preparations you can make on your own spiritual journey. Sanctuary,” is about some unexpected places where she has encountered God – a trail in the Andes, her son’s bathtub, a Kroger parking lot. The book written by the Magdalene women – “Find Your Way Home” – sounds intriguing to me.

Hope to see you Sunday, December 7 at 3053 41-A South (Madison Street) about two miles from K-Mart and Walmart on the left (next to a horse pasture).

Kitty Madden
Kitty Madden
About the Author: Kitty Madden is a Reiki Master, APSU graduate, a veteran who still marvels at her good conduct medal from Ft. Campbell, a Friend of Dunbar Cave and a local enthusiast of the arts and nature. She deliberately chose to make Clarksville home based on a love for the diversity here, especially in nature, as found at Dunbar Cave, Rotary Park and along the two rivers and many creeks and lakes in our area.

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