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HomeNewsClarksville City Charter Revisions up for Final Vote

Clarksville City Charter Revisions up for Final Vote

City of ClarksvilleClarksville, TN – Clarksville is one step closer to a revised charter. The City Council’s final vote on the Charter will be held at the regular City Council Meeting on July 5th, 2012.

The revisions, which were initially approved by the Council, passed both houses of the Legislature unanimously and have been engrossed by the Secretary of State, signed by both Speakers and officially approved and signed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam.

“Through the work of the Charter Revision Commission, we presented a document that provides substantial changes which were needed in order to continue the business of the city efficiently and effectively,” said Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan.

“The members of the Charter Revision Commission, the entire Clarksville-Montgomery County legislative delegation, and my staff worked diligently and cooperatively to make this happen. I am very appreciative for their hard work and persistence and I know the citizens of Clarksville appreciate their efforts as well.” said Mayor McMillan

“I also want to thank Representatives Joe Pitts, Curtis Johnson, Phillip Johnson and John Tidwell and Senator Tim Barnes for their guidance and assistance as they introduced and moved this measure through the legislature,” Mayor McMillan said. “It’s not always easy to get legislation through at the end of session and I know how hard they worked to get the revisions passed.”

In addition to language that clarifies the charter, some of the subjects addressed in the revisions include:

  • Amending the ethics provisions to comply with the Ethics Code previously adopted by the City Council which deals with citizens who serve on boards and commissions;
  • Requiring a majority of the City Council who are present and voting to enact, amend or rescind an ordinance;
  • Requiring two readings (instead of three) before the City Council for the passage of utility rates;
  • Requiring a full majority plus one (8 votes) of the City Council, excluding the Mayor, to override a mayor’s veto;
  • Adding a provision for appointment of a Director of Finance and Revenue and a Director of Internal Audit;
  • Prohibiting Council Members from concurrently holding another elected office at the city, county, state or federal level.

“In reality, we conducted a top to bottom, line-by-line review of the Charter. Antiquated language was removed and provisions which no longer correspond to current law were eliminated. Sections were added or revised which more clearly reflect our present day operations, goals and management,” said Mayor McMillan.

“As anyone who has seen the revisions for Clarksville’s Charter can attest, these changes were practical, realistic and provide clear parameters for the city’s leadership and administration,” said Representative Pitts. “Mayor McMillan and her team spent untold hours in reviewing, editing and polishing the proposed revisions and then the Commission and City Council added their valuable insight to creating a Charter that Clarksville can lean on and be proud of. I’m happy to have had the opportunity to present it, along with my colleagues in the Clarksville/Montgomery County delegation, to the General Assembly and that we were able to see it pass without objection.”

“I’m always proud to represent the people of Clarksville but I’m also proud of the leadership we have here,” said Senator Tim Barnes. ‘This newly revised Charter is a perfect example of what we can accomplish for the people when we work together respectfully and diligently. There can be no question that these revisions were necessary for the simplicity and reality of the city’s management. As the Senator from this District, I’m proud to have had a hand in the process.”

The Commission will resume work in the future on a few items. “Because of the legal requirement that the General Assembly approve any revisions to Clarksville’s Charter, I wanted to make sure that the majority of the changes, and especially those that are currently impacting city management, were dealt with as quickly as possible. There are other issues that we will discuss in the future and consider for additional revision. All of the members of the Charter Revision Commission have agreed to continue their participation and I appreciate their dedication to this project. For now, I am looking forward to the City Council’s final approval of these measures so that we can continue to move Clarksville forward,” said Mayor McMillan.

To see the resolution adopting the revised Charter and the document as approved by the General Assembly, log on to www.cityofclarksville.com/charter/pdf/Resolution%2046-2011-12.pdf


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