Clarksville, TN – Abigail McKenna balances three roles at Austin Peay State University (APSU): she’s a Middle College senior, an Austin Peay State University sophomore and a staff writer for The All State student newspaper. By spring, she’ll earn her associate degree before receiving her high school diploma.
Austin Peay’s innovative dual enrollment programs offer high school students unique opportunities to accelerate their education and immerse themselves in college life.
The GovNow Dual Enrollment Program allows high school students to take college courses and pursue a full associate degree. Within this program, Middle College is a selective option for high-achieving students to take all their classes on Austin Peay’s campus while completing high school requirements.
The program offers flexible options including on-campus classes, online courses, and college classes at local high schools. Thanks to Tennessee’s Dual Enrollment Grant program, students can take up to five courses at no cost, with partial funding for additional classes.
Balancing Academics and Journalism

As a Middle College student, McKenna takes primarily college courses while completing her high school requirements.
“I get to pick what I want to take,” McKenna said. “I have the room to explore my options a lot more than a lot of people before I really decide on something.”
Beyond academics, McKenna has immersed herself in campus life through her role at The All State. Now in her second year as a staff writer, she credits the experience with broadening her horizons.
“I’ve met so many people, including being here right now,” McKenna said. “I don’t think I ever would have been so involved and have made so many connections had I not joined.”
Working with Michael Dann, student publications and communications coordinator, McKenna has developed her journalistic writing skills while pushing beyond her comfort zone.
“I’ve been able to learn about a whole new writing style,” she said. “It’s made me have to learn how to walk up to someone and ask them questions.”
When she’s not writing for The All State or attending classes, McKenna works at Frontline Games and transports her younger sister, who attends Northwest High School’s Health Science Academy. Her busy schedule previews the full college experience she’ll pursue after graduating next spring.
Her favorite assignments for The All State was covering a Halloween haunted campus tour last year.
“I had a photographer there to take pictures, and they ended up being really fun,” McKenna said. “It really reassured me that I made the right choice joining The All State because it was so much fun to do.”
McKenna is working on stories that matter to the campus community, including coverage of an upcoming suicide prevention awareness walk hosted by the Health and Counseling Center. Each assignment brings new opportunities to connect with university life.