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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn Report: Honoring Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

Marsha Blackburn Report: Honoring Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – Since our nation’s founding, over 600,000 Tennesseans have fought to defend our country. Among them, more than 13,000 never returned home.

On Memorial Day, we honor the sacrifices of all the brave men and women who have given their lives to defend our freedoms.

This weekend, join me in praying for those who have lost their loved ones in the fight for freedom. We remember their sacrifice and honor their lasting legacy on our nation.

Weekly Rundown

This week, I led my Senate GOP colleagues in a press conference pushing back on Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s scheme to bring a sham immigration bill to the Senate floor that would make illegal immigration legal. This is an election-year political stunt that would make Joe Biden’s open border agenda permanent.

We are a nation of law and order, and yet the Biden administration has allowed over 10 million illegal immigrants to flood our border. That is higher than the populations of 7 major U.S. cities – Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville – combined. Under this administration, every town is a border town.

There is a solution to this catastrophe: the Secure the Border Act or H.R. 2., legislation received in the U.S. Senate over a year ago. If Democrats were truly serious about upholding the rule of law and defending democracy, they would join us and pass H.R. 2. Watch the video below.

This week, the Memphis City Council unanimously passed a resolution in support of my AFTER SCHOOL Act. Amid a concerning rise in juvenile charges in Memphis, I am pleased Memphis leadership is overwhelmingly supportive of this bipartisan legislation to help strengthen after school programs in local communities that have been proven to help reduce juvenile crime rates and encourage positive youth development.

More than three years have passed since President Joe Biden took office, and Tennessee families are paying higher prices on everything from gas to groceries as a consequence of his failed economic policies. President Joe Biden and his administration have made a habit out of lying about inflation, but the nearly 20% increase in prices since he took office is a hidden tax on hardworking Americans who deserve to know the truth. To set the record straight, I released a fact sheet outlining the true cost of Bidenflation. Read it here.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) distributed nearly $11 million in unjustified bonuses to senior executives within the VA. I led my Republican colleagues in a letter demanding the repayment of these taxpayer dollars and calling for the immediate dismissal of the responsible officials. Read more here.

Last week I continued my 95 County Tour in Campbell, Scott, Morgan, and Anderson Counties. It was wonderful to hear updates from East Tennessee and visit local businesses. I enjoyed meeting with the East Tennessee Economic Council and engaging in conversations about their innovative research and ways they are promoting economic development. I will continue to support this region and its critical industries.

Marsha’s Roundup






  • Since his first day in office, President Joe Biden has refused to enforce the law by releasing millions of illegal immigrants – including those with terrorist ties – into our country. This week, Senator Hagerty and I introduced the Reshape Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Act to require the Department of Homeland Security to utilize every available detention bed before resorting to alternatives to detention. Read more here
  • If you are planning on traveling abroad this summer, now is the perfect time to renew your passport. If you need further assistance, please contact one of my six state offices.

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