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Unleashing Your Potential at Wildside Combat Sports Center

The Power of Joining an MMA Gym

Written by Linda Austin

Clarksville Living MagazineClarksville, TN – To help breathe new life into your New Year’s resolution in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, consider stepping into the world of Mixed Martial Arts at our local Wildside Combat Sports Center. Joining an MMA gym isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s a transformative journey weaving health and mindset changes in the thrill of pushing beyond limiting self-beliefs.

Motivation and discipline, the elusive muses of self-transformation, reverberate center stage in the intimate setting of Wildside as members draw inspiration from the disciplined dedication of their peers. Being part of a community that shares a common goal ignites a collective motivation that transcends individual limits, turning the gym into a powerhouse of encouragement.

Gym owner and one of the top trainers in the country for MMA, Micheal Merriman, shares his best advice for anyone just starting out on a health and fitness journey, “You just have to get yourself mentally ready, just say to yourself, I’m going to do this! and then actually go for it.”

Wildside Combat Sports CenterMike then follows up with, “Now, having said that I recommend you ease into a program. Don’t overdo it. Whether your goal is to learn martial arts, lose weight, or improve your health, talk to one of the professional trainers, come up with a plan that fits your fitness level, but most importantly, get into the head space of committing to the necessary steps for achieving your goals.” This is a very encouraging message for anyone who might find walking into an MMA gym for the first time slightly intimidating.

Health isn’t just about treadmill marathons. “I’ll admit, if I had to just go run for a workout, I wouldn’t last long. Having a dynamic activity helps people stay engaged where it doesn’t even feel like a workout because you’re focus is on mastering a skill.” Said the U.S. World Team Coach Merriman. MMA workouts are the ultimate health cocktail, blending muscle toning, cardio, and a dash of mental endurance. Getting out of your comfort zone is one of many unspoken mantras. Here, you’ll be grappling with your inner doubts, dodging kicks, and maybe discovering a newfound appreciation for “embracing the suck” as vast armadas of endorphins course through your veins during personal breakthroughs.

Unlike a traditional workout routine, you’re embarking on an adventure of developing and building self-confidence, discovering through challenges just what you’re made of. Wrestling with a partner while desperately trying not to look like a tangled mess of limbs is a crash course in humility. The occasional bruises become proud reminders of personal growth in the learning curve.

Learning from each other is engrained into the environment. Imagine for a moment: Seasoned warriors sharing wisdom with the newbies much in the spirit of Mr. Miyagi mentoring Danielsan, “Wax on, Wax off!” except there is a possibility that your face and body might be used to wax the mat, but it’s all in great fun.

Personal trainers are available to guide you through a tailored journey with just the right mix of encouragement and tough love. Mike, “Lots of times, some members will work with a personal trainer once a week or even just once a month to address questions, get advice, and help adjust plans to make sure you stay on track.”

Accountability is a tribal thing in the gym family, and no one gets left behind in pursuing their sweat-soaked glory.

The shared journey of celebrating accomplishments together is the secret sauce that keeps everyone returning day after day.

Weight loss is a side effect that sneaks up on you as the pounds melt away in a flurry of kicks, and punches. Mike, “In our gym we do a lot of conditioning. We have a couple of ladies that’s lost hundreds of pounds. There’s motivation in seeing someone working out trying their best for the first time, and there’s motivation in watching one of our top athletes really push it for an upcoming international competition. Both are just as inspiring for me.”

They have helped produce fighters and martial artists competing at the highest levels of competition around the world. They are recognized by top sports organizations, including MMA Madhouse and MMA Mayhem.

Working out alongside international championship fighters will remind you that you’re training in the same arena as the pros – a humble mental brag of encouragement, especially on the hard days. “Train Like a Champion, and You Will Become One.”

Some of the services offered at Wildside Gym are MMA, Kickboxing, Wrestling, and Grappling. They offer adult and kids classes for all skill levels. As a mother of three kids with ADHD, enrolling them in MMA training was one of the best long-term investments I made that’s still paying off in residual effects today.

It helped build discipline, focus, and confidence, but most importantly, it helped them later in life to roll with the punches and get back up quickly when life knocked them down hard.
Wildside is a hidden gem located near downtown Clarksville at 324 Union Street Suite A. You can learn more about them at www.wildsidegym.com
So, if you’re ready for a fitness journey where the workouts will grow you, and the friendships grow with you, welcome to the Wildside Combat Sports Center. It’s a completely holistic approach to well-being that leaves you feeling like a beast that’s finally been unleashed into the wild.


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