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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Healthy Mind

Written by Alexandra Arnold

Clarksville Living MagazineClarksville, TN – Many people plan on getting into shape for the new year. Practicing a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise is a common New Year’s resolution. We think about having a healthy body, but we don’t think about having a healthy mind. There are many ways to practice self-care in 2024, and many don’t cost a dime.

Seeing a therapist even if you “don’t need it” Therapy isn’t just for people who have mental health issues. Therapy is important for anyone and everyone. Letting out your emotions and speaking to someone about them is good. Even talking to a counselor about little problems you have (like issues with coworkers or financial problems) can be helpful. Online therapy is an option if you need something inexpensive and/or accessible. There are also mental health clinics in Clarksville that offer sliding scale services.

Having a healthy work-life balance It is unhealthy to spend all of your time at work or focused on your work. Taking breaks, spending time outside of your job with family and friends, and doing things you love are important. Work is also important, but you need to live as well.

Take mental health days Sometimes we just need a break. If possible, take a day off of work to do just this. Do something you enjoy that you know de-stresses you. For some that could be shopping at Governor’s Square Mall, playing music, baking, or even exercising. However, sometimes the best way to de-stress is to do nothing at all. A spa day (even at home) could help relax you. It may be difficult to make yourself take a break, but you can’t do your best at your job unless you’re in a good head-space.

Getting into a routine Many people do better with routines. Having structure in your day lessens stress by making you more organized and giving you purpose. Try making a schedule that you can post in your kitchen or bedroom – somewhere you go often. Remember to schedule breaks and activities you enjoy.

Journaling (even on social media for young people) Journaling is one of the main tools a therapist will give you if you’re having mental health issues or stress in your life. Even if you are not having any major issues, journaling can still help. Writing down your feelings helps to release negative emotions, and can help you de-stress. You don’t have to sit down at a desk every night and write a 1,000 word essay. You can just keep it somewhere accessible and in-reach. This way, whenever you have a thought or just need to get something out, you can write it down.

Listen to music/find someone new to listen to Music is often listed as a de-stressor. It can help you calm down, it can distract you, and it can help you release negative emotions. Metal musicha been shown to possibly improve mental health. Listening to something happy will improve your mood, while listening to something sad can help you cry.

Listening to something angry can be a way to release anger without really releasing it yourself.

Budgeting (Financial problems are one of the biggest stressors in our world today) Money and financial issues are one of the biggest stressors someone can have. Budgeting is a way you can get your finances organized. This way you are less likely to stress over money and may even have money left over to spend on things that give you joy.

Healthy body – healthy mind It is important to exercise and eat healthy for your physical health, but it can also be good for your mind. It is said that exercise improves your mental health. Being active boosts your mood and helps your focus. It is recommended that you exercise regularly, but exercising when you can can still help your mind and body feel better.

Get into a new hobby During lockdown, many people took up a new hobby as a way to find something to do. You could do the same to improve your mental health. It doesn’t have to be something big.
Something as simple as learning to crochet or play the ukulele can give you a sense of purpose and give you a tool to use when you’re feeling low. Mental health has been on the decline in the United States so it’s important to focus on yourself and your mental well-being.
There are many steps you can take and tools you can use to better your mental health. Start off the new year with a plan to have a happy, healthy mind.


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