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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn Report: Honoring Five Brave Servicemembers

Marsha Blackburn Report: Honoring Five Brave Servicemembers

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – On November 10th, 2023,  Fort Campbell’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment tragically lost five soldiers when their helicopter crashed during a training flight over the Mediterranean Sea.

On behalf of all Tennesseans, I want to offer my prayers and support to these soldiers’ families and to the brave men and women of the 160th.

Weekly Rundown

Radicals have launched a smear campaign against the Supreme Court simply because they disagree with the Court’s recent decisions. In the Senate Judiciary Committee, I recommended multiple subpoenas, including subpoenas to Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff and book publisher as well as a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s estate to provide flight logs for his private plane.

This week, President Joe Biden and Communist China’s ruler Xi Jinping met in San Francisco. Even though the U.S. has made China aware of its complicity in the U.S. fentanyl epidemic for years, the CCP continues to funnel drugs into this country that kill thousands of Americans every year. If we are serious about competing with China, we should focus on hardening our economy against China’s abuses and on pursuing initiatives with willing partners. We should not throw any kind of economic lifeline to Xi Jinping.
From college campuses to corporate newsrooms to Chinese-owned TikTok, anti-Israel content has become pervasive ever since the October 7th massacre in Israel. Those of us willing to speak with moral clarity must stand with Israel and the Jewish people against those who want to see the Jewish state wiped off the map. Read more here.

Marsha’s Roundup



  • I was honored to receive the 2023 Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) Innovation Award, given to Congress members who work to promote innovation within the medical technology industry and bolster patient care. 
  • To learn about everything I’m doing to support Israel and counter its adversaries, please visit my new Israel web page. 
  • White House tours are booking up fast if you visit Washington during the Christmas season. Visit our website to request a tour. 
  • For those of you planning on traveling internationally, please ensure your passports are current. At this time, the State Department is taking months to process passport requests. If you have any questions about this process, please call any of our state offices for additional information.

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