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HomeEducationClarksville Christian School holds 2023 Commencement Ceremony

Clarksville Christian School holds 2023 Commencement Ceremony

Clarksville Christian SchoolClarksville, TN – On Friday, May 19th, 2023, the Clarksville Christian School (CCS) celebrated its graduating class with a Commencement Ceremony at the CCS Gymnasium. The ceremony began at 6:00pm.

“We are so excited to be celebrating our commencement exercise for the class of 2023. We have 20 students graduating tonight, stated Dr. Brad Moser, Clarksville Christian School President.

“This is the largest class that we’ve ever had graduate from Clarksville Christian school, but it’s the smallest class we’ll ever have graduate from Clarksville Christian School,” Dr. Moser said. “Next year’s group is over 30 and the year after that, is looking right now as if it will be in excess of 40 students. So we’re continuing to grow and we’re very thankful for it.”

The ceremony began with the procession of teachers, then students into the gym. Dr. Moser then took the podium to welcome everyone.

Clarksville Christian School President Dr. Brad Moser. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Clarksville Christian School President Dr. Brad Moser. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“This group has gone through high school through four of the most difficult years in modern educational history, but they’ve done it with substance and with style. Their freshman year was great the 1st 3/4 of the year, said Dr. Moser. “And then those are the kids who went home on spring break and never came back for the rest of the year because that was spring of 2020 in their sophomore year.”

“They were the first group in history to attend classes and come to school in the midst of a global pandemic. And in the 2021-22 school year, they showed us how to rebound from all of that, Dr. Moser stated.

Board chairman Ryan Blount then gave the invocation and greetings from the CCS Board of Directors.

Next was the CCS Concert Choir which sang “Already Home” followed by “The Lord Bless You and Keep You”.

Speeches were given by Salutatorian Savannah Beck and Valedictorian Kendra Roberts.

Clarksville Christian School Salutatorian Savannah Beck. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Clarksville Christian School Salutatorian Savannah Beck. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“Graduating class, we made so many great memories together and I’m so thankful for these past couple of months since I had so much fun,” stated Savannah Beck, Salutatarian. “Congratulations Class of 2023!”

Clarksville Christian School Valedictorian Kendra Roberts. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Clarksville Christian School Valedictorian Kendra Roberts. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“It’s an honor to stand before you today as we celebrate this incredible milestone in our lives. Thanks to the overwhelming support we have received from so many we are finally graduating. So on behalf of the graduating class, I would first like to formally thank everyone who has played a role in our journey. Thank you for your support,” said Kendra Roberts, Valedictorian.

Vice President Dr. Andrea Pewitt then addressed the Seniors.

Jerry Lawrence, Principal, gave the recommendation for the Class, then Dr. Moser began the presentation of diplomas.

The benediction was given by Board Member Chris Travis.

At the end of the ceremony, the CCS Concert Choir sang “Go Ye Now in Peace.”

The graduating students then left the gym only to come right back in and line up in front of the stage. At the count of three, everyone tossed their hats in the air.

There are no words to describe how proud I am and how proud their teachers and parents are of this group’s accomplishments,” commented Dr. Moser.

We hope that this year has been something that’s more than made up for the challenges of the first few years of high school. We think they’ve had a great year and we know we’ve had a wonderful year with them,” Dr. Moser stated.

Clarksville Christian School Graduating Class of 2023

Savannah Grace Beck **+
Michael Austin Favre
Faith Elizabeth Gerdez
Alexis Coryn Glynn * **+
Brianna Grace Glynn * **+
Kaylee Elizabeth Gregory
Eric Michael Grigsby
Emilie Marie Inga
Caroline Denise Jansen
Thomas Rivera Jeffries
Kennedy Dawn Johnson-Corley
Seth Gavin Koenes **+
Camden Mingkong Latham +
Kendra Alicyn Roberts * **+
Gavin Gregory Rodenhaber **+
Luke William Sayle +
Norah Grace Stimson * +
Christian Michael Syner **+
Jackson Alexander Vernon **
Kasey Joel Yates

  NHS – National Honor Society
** With Honors
With Distinction

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