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HomeArts/LeisureClarksville Lighted Christmas Parade simply delightful

Clarksville Lighted Christmas Parade simply delightful

Clarksville Parks and Recreation DepartmentClarksville, TN – It’s beginning to look like Christmas here in Clarksville after the 63rd annual Christmas Parade. On December 3rd at 5:00pm residents of Clarksville gathered around the streets starting from University Street all around to Franklin Street to see the Clarksville Lighted Christmas Parade.

This year’s parade featured 100 participants who gathered at Austin Peay State University and made their way around Downtown Clarksville.

As residents waited for the parade’s arrival Christmas music played gleefully in the background. Families had coffee in their hands while children positioned themselves for candy to be thrown.

Each year the parade has a theme and this year’s theme was “Christmas movies”. The judges for this year’s parade sat at the table in front of F&M Bank.

The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department have been planning this event since last December to ensure this was the best experience for Clarksville and Montgomery County residents.

Amanda Pitt, Clarksville Parks and Recreation Event Planning Specialist said, “I am looking forward to the amazing pictures and all of the families coming to enjoy this and making memories with one another.”

When picking the theme for this year Pitt mentioned that it had to be something versatile for those creating the float. Also, it would be interesting to see if “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie or not.

“It’s very fun to see what everyone is going to bring and to see a lot of your favorites out there,” mentioned Pitt.

At the judge’s table, Ginna Holleman sat beside Angela Andrews and two other judges to help pick their favorite floats.

“Creativity is something I am looking for and connection to the theme, team effort in the decoration and the building of the float. And the originality of the float,” Holleman stated.

Holleman has been a resident of Clarksville for 30-plus years and this Christmas parade is something she looks forward to each year.

“Seeing the children’s responses and reactions in their eyes as they light up, as-the floats- come around the corner and see the magic that each float brings and how excited they get and make all the work you put into it worthwhile,” Holleman mentioned.

There is nothing like the look in all the children’s eyes as the parade went by. They were all up and shouting when Santa Clause came by.

A good time has had by all and the floats were simply amazing.

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