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HomePoliticsFBI Director Christopher Wray Dodges Russian Collusion Hoax During Marsha Blackburn Questioning

FBI Director Christopher Wray Dodges Russian Collusion Hoax During Marsha Blackburn Questioning

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – During questioning by Senate Judiciary Committee member Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to condemn the Russia hoax cooked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign against President Donald Trump.

Senator Blackburn also pressed the Director about the national security risk Joe Biden’s open southern border poses to the American people.

Highest-Ranking FBI Official Dodges Question About Russian Collusion Hoax

Partial Transcript Below:

SENATOR BLACKBURN: There is the perception that we have two tiers of justice — one for people that are favored and one for ordinary Americans. And I think that has come through in many of the questions that you’ve heard from us. I want to ask you just a few things so that we can get it on the record that I think would help restore some faith in the Bureau, in the work they’re trying to do. Americans looked at what they perceived to be — and I think rightly so — a ton of money that was wasted on the Russian collusion investigation. So, do you agree that the allegation of secret collusion between President Trump and Russia was a hoax? Yes or no?

DIRECTOR WRAY: I don’t think that’s the terminology I would use, but I think there’s been a lot written on this subject and both in the Special Counsel’s report, the Inspector General’s report. So that’s not a term I would use.

BLACKBURN: Okay. Do you agree that the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation?

WRAY: You’re asking about an ongoing investigation that I expect our folks to pursue aggressively, and I just can’t comment on that.

An Alarming Number Of Terrorists Are Entering The U.S. Through The Southern Border

Partial Transcript Below:

BLACKBURN: Do you agree that an open border is a national security threat?

WRAY: I think there are serious security issues represented at the border, a wide array of criminal threats that we are deeply concerned about at the FBI. And that transcends everything from gangs, violence…

BLACKBURN: One of the things that has concerned me is looking at the number of terrorists that are coming across that border. So far in fiscal year ‘22, we’ve had 56. There were 15 non-citizen terrorists that crossed in ‘21, 3 in ’20, and zero in ‘19. What are you all doing to help apprehend these individuals? Senator Hawley talked with you about the Afghan refugees. People remember what happened on 9/11. They remember what happened with the Boston bombing, and to see this number of terrorists that are coming across that border and into the country. So how are you tracking, monitoring, apprehending, and investigating these individuals?

WRAY: I guess there are two things. I would say one is we’re constantly sharing watchlist information with DHS and with our partners to improve the, you know, border security in that regard. And then second through our joint terrorism task forces all over the country, we are investigating any number of individuals who are here in the United States.


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