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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn Report: Celebrating 226 Years of Tennessee

Marsha Blackburn Report: Celebrating 226 Years of Tennessee

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – This week, Tennessee celebrates 226 years of statehood! In the late 1700s, the Continental Congress realized that Virginia and North Carolina were too large; so they decided to separate the land, leading to the creation of Tennessee.

On this 226th anniversary of statehood, I invite you to celebrate our state’s rich history. If you would like to read more about how Tennessee became a state.

Weekly Rundown

Our country is still facing supply chain delays. To provide some relief, I helped lead the bipartisan National R&D Strategy for Distributed Ledger Technology Act. This legislation, which passed in the Senate Commerce Committee unanimously, will use blockchain technology to provide a transparent and efficient way to get products to American businesses and consumers faster. This bill will make a true difference when it comes to alleviating supply chain issues. I remain committed Supply to investing in emerging technologies and encouraging the positive impact they can have on American businesses.
It was wonderful to visit with so many Tennesseans in Cannon County, DeKalb County, Van Buren County, and Warren County. We discussed devastating inflation rates and their impact on farmers and the workforce. Additionally, I was able to speak with sheriffs who are worried about the uptick in fentanyl flowing across the southern border and into Tennessee communities.
Iran and Communist China are united in their goal to destroy the United States of America. We must put America first, and this begins with exposing regimes at odds with our country. In order to protect the needs of Americans, I introduced the Iran China Accountability Act to call attention to Tehran’s toxic relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. This legislation will block the White House from using your taxpayer dollars to fund the Iran Nuclear Deal. We cannot allow Joe Biden to re-enter an agreement that gives the Iranian regime more power to fund terrorism and enable Communist China. 

Marsh’s Roundup


  • I wrote a letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Administrator Alan Davidson stressing the importance of different technologies to close the digital divide. To read my letter, click here
  • I led a letter signed by 46 other pro-life senators to send a unified message to Leader Chuck Schumer stating that we will vote to block any bill that would use taxpayer funding for abortions. Click here to read my letter. 
  • President Joe Biden has announced his plans to waive student loan debt, even though Tennesseans are struggling to fill their cupboards and gas tanks. We must get inflation under control
  • Sign up to join Senator Bill Hagerty and me at Tennessee Tuesday every Tuesday the Senate is in session. 
  • You can register for a Capitol tour using the Capitol Visitor Center portal. Special requests for tours led by my staff can be reserved through my website
  • Is there something you want to see in the Blackburn Report? Email my office to share! 

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