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HomeEducationClarksville Christian School holds Commencement Ceremony for the Graduating Class of 2022

Clarksville Christian School holds Commencement Ceremony for the Graduating Class of 2022

Clarksville Christian SchoolClarksville, TN – On Friday, May 20th, the Clarksville Christian School held a commencement ceremony celebrating the achievements of the 2022 graduating class. Family and friends gathered in the CCS gymnasium to honor the fourteen students graduating.

President Dr. Brad Moser welcomed everyone to the ceremony, “This is a special group for a couple of reasons. In addition to just being great kids, we have athletes and scholars in this group.”

“We have a kid that has received an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In total so far, these students have been awarded over 1.5 million dollars in scholarships and scholarships are still coming in.”
“They are an accomplished group. Their super sweet, super kind-hearted kids. They’re special for so many reasons.”
“In this group, there is a student, Molly Morgan, who is the first Clarksville Christian School student to be with us all the way from kindergarten through twelfth grade. She is the first Centurion Scholar. This is what we have designated her.”

Dr. Brad Moser, President. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Dr. Brad Moser, President. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“In future years, in each of the classes following her, we have several kids that have been here since preschool or kindergarten who will be graduating. But Molly is the very first to go all the way through.”

“An interesting note with this class, this is the last single section so to speak of our classes. Now all of our classes have gone to multiple sections. So we will go from this group here to 20 some odd graduates next year, 30 some odd, and nearly 50 the year after that. Their special because it’s a small sweet group, but formidable.”

Ryan Blount, Board Chairman. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Ryan Blount, Board Chairman. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

Board Chairman Ryan Blount gave the invocation and then greetings from the CCS Board of Directors.

Salutatorian Molly Morgan was next to address the graduating class and audience.

“We are all here to celebrate the closing of one chapter but also the opening of another. No matter how long we have been at CCS, one year, thirteen years, we all recognize how special this place really is. CCS is and was my second home. If I wasn’t at my actual house or at church, I was here. For class, basketball, volleyball, golf, choir, you name it. Even in the summer, I participated and helped in various camps and events.”

Salutatorian Molly Morgan. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Salutatorian Molly Morgan. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“It is difficult to imagine myself leaving CCS since I’ve always had CCS to lean back on and to come back to each year. Coming back to CCS has always been a comfort to me. But now I and all of my classmates are faced with the unknown. This is something that brings fear and anxiety to many who encounter it. Leaving my home and saying goodbye to all I have ever known, this comfortable atmosphere is hard and to be honest pretty scary.”

“Who we were here is not who we will stay outside of these walls. High school is a passing season just as our childhood is and life is. Take it in, every moment of high school, college, work, and life.”
“Thank you to my classmates and friends that I have met on the way. You have provided me with so many laughs and memories so let’s stay in touch. You have all made my life so awesome and you have made such an impression on my life. So thank you all, thank you CCS, I love ya’ll. God bless.”
Next to speak was Valedictorian Caroline Watts.
“When Coach T talked to me about coming to CCS I was kinda nervous. Well, I don’t know. I’ve been in public school all of my life. Like a huge public school. So like moving from 1,000 kids to 14 kids was kinda scary. However, it ended up being the best decision I think I have ever made.”

Valedictorian Caroline Watts. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Valedictorian Caroline Watts. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“So I want to take some time to thank the people that make CCS such a great place. So thank you to the administration. You work hard every single day to provide us with a great school. Your support and cheer us on loudly throughout everything we do. When we accomplish something, you go above and beyond to celebrate us.”

“Thank you to my teachers for being our friend. Each and every single one of you makes an effort to have a relationship with us outside the classroom.”

“Class of 2022, I hope that we all change the world. I hope that each and every single one of you does something great with your lives. However, if your next step in life is not with Jesus, then nothing else matters. If you are not walking towards Jesus, then you are walking in the wrong direction. I challenge you to go into the world and make a real difference.”

“Jesus called us to love. He called us to serve. I challenge you all to engage in your faith.”

The keynote speaker for the commencement was Wes Golden. He said the following.

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him, much will be required. Parents, grandparents, family members, or anybody that has invested in this graduating class of 2022, much was given of you, and working together and being the church, you’ve done well.”

Keynote Speaker Wes Golden. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Keynote Speaker Wes Golden. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

“When I was asked to speak to the graduating class of 2022, I first asked myself, what would I tell my eighteen your old self. I don’t think there is enough time in the day for all the advice that I would give that long-haired rascal back then. But I do know this, when it comes to advise, only one gave perfect advice every single time. I know we are all disappointed that it’s not Dr. Moser. But we are comforted in knowing, that Dr. Moser and the faculty here get their advice from Jesus Christ.”

“Some of you will go on to be educators, healthcare professionals, and even an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. These are great ways to serve. Our community and our country needs you in these professions. If you don’t know what you’re going to do yet, that’s ok too. I’m still trying to figure it out myself. Not everyone is a leader, but we are all disciples working on the same mission.”

“One of my best friends is assistant chief for Clarksville Fire Rescue. He says ‘If you always stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.’ Every person that serves at Clarksville Christian and every person that is here today has prepared you for this day and you are ready. It is up to you to stay ready.”

“Remember that we are the body of Christ. We are the church. Work every day as if you are working for the Lord because you are. Your parents with GOD’s help have done well with you. Now is your time to shine. God bless you all.”

Jerry Lawrence, School Principal and Dr. Brad Moser, President. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
Jerry Lawrence, School Principal, and Dr. Brad Moser, President. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

The recommendation of the class was given by principal Jerry Lawrence. Then the presentation of the diplomas was done by Dr. Moser. After the diplomas were handed out, the students left the gymnasium only to run back onto the stage and perform their own special ceremony. Afterward, as one, the graduates tossed their caps into the air.

The Clarksville Christian School graduating class of 2022. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)
The Clarksville Christian School graduating class of 2022. (Mark Haynes, Clarksville Online)

This concluded the graduation.

After the ceremony, Dr. Moser had the following to say about the Class of 2022, “I want to tell them that I am incredibly proud of them. I believe that they are fully equipped and prepared to face the challenges that life will bring their way and to make a positive difference in this world.”

Congratulations to the Clarksville Christian School graduating class of 2022.

Clarksville Christian School Class of 2022

Ryan William Bowles
Kelsey Marie Burch
Alexis Gray Chapman*
Alyssa Renee Davis* **
Haley Elizabeth Foster
Aiden Gabriel Frye**
Abigail Anis Hurston*
Molly Jean Morgan***
Marianna Salome
Luke Adam Smothermon
Caroline Hope Watts* **
Kathrine Diane Wheatley
Hannah Lee White
John Grier Witherspoon V

* NHS- National Honor Society
** With Honors

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