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Two Austin Peay State University alumni help keep campus safe as new APSU Police Officers

Austin Peay State University - APSUClarksville, TN – In 2017, Austin Peay State University (APSU) student Prince Harris wanted an on-campus job while pursuing a healthcare management degree. He heard about the campus police’s student patrol program and decided to give it a try.

The experience of patrolling the campus, and making sure his fellow students were safe, changed Harris’ professional aspirations.

“I took the job because it was a job to do on campus, but it turned out to be a lot more than I expected,” he said. “I made my way up to being a security guard and now I’m a police officer.”
Earlier this month, Harris became one of two Austin Peay State University alumni to be sworn in by APSU President Mike Licari as the University’s two newest police officers. Harris earned his healthcare management degree, but on April 1st, he graduated from the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, where he earned that program’s highest academic award.
“It feels great because I worked hard for it,” he said. “Now, I finally made it to a police officer, and I love it here. I like interacting with students and talking to staff, and helping during this critical stage in these students’ lives.”

Carla Rosales, a 2013 Health and Human Performance graduate, was also sworn in as a new APSU police officer that day. She’d previously worked as an officer with the campus police department, but then her husband took a job in West Tennessee. When the couple moved back to Clarksville, she returned to a campus she almost didn’t recognize.

“Clarksville itself has grown a lot, but the University growth has been exciting to see,” she said. “When I left, the Art + Design Building wasn’t here and there was nothing across the street (College Street). To see the growth and impact Austin Peay is having on Clarksville is exciting.”

Officers Harris and Rosales, after swearing an oath to protect Austin Peay State University students, are now on the job, working to ensure the campus remains safe.

For information on APSU Campus Police, visit https://www.apsu.edu/police/.


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