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HomeNewsAAA: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

AAA: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

AAANashville, TN – AAA believes no life is worth losing to distraction. Focused drivers save lives. AAA is urging all drivers to pay attention and focus on the road during National Distracted Driving Awareness month and all year long.

According to Tennessee crash data from 2020, there were 20,415 crashes involving a distracted driver – resulting in 69 fatalities.

Distracted driving is more than just talking, texting on your phone. (AAA)
Distracted driving is more than just talking, texting on your phone. (AAA)

“There is no excuse for being distracted behind the wheel when injuring or killing someone is the potential cost,” says Megan Cooper, spokeswoman, AAA – The Auto Club Group.

“Any distraction, whether it be texting or talking to a passenger, could be enough to cause a crash. AAA strongly urges drivers to focus on what’s most important – the road in front of them,” Cooper stated.

Distractions include more than texting

Anything that diverts attention from driving – eating and drinking, adjusting the navigation, picking your next podcast, talking to other passengers, talking, or texting on the phone—can result in a fatal injury. 

Despite what some drivers may think, hands-free is not risk-free. Even with your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel, you are not safe unless your mind is focused on the drive.

Statistics by the Numbers

  • 2 Seconds: Looking away from the road for just two seconds doubles the risk of a crash. 
  • 5 Seconds: Five seconds of reading an email or text is like driving across a football field while blindfolded.
  • 27 Seconds: Mental distractions last longer than you think and can cause a dangerous crash or fatality. Mental distraction can last up to 27 seconds after dialing, texting, or changing the radio station.
  • 3x: New teen drivers are three times as likely as adults to be involved in a deadly crash. Tennessee has a graduated driver licensing system to help teen drivers gradually learn the rules of the road under less risky conditions.

AAA offers these tips to avoid distracted driving:

  • Prepare for your drive. Set vehicle systems like GPS, seats, mirrors, climate controls, and sound systems before hitting the road. Decide on your route and check traffic conditions ahead of time. And please, finish dressing and personal grooming at home – before you get on the road.
  • Disable or stow electronics. Never use text messaging, email, video games, or internet functions, including those built into the vehicle, while driving. Stow your smartphone away, turn it to airplane mode, or activate call/text blocking features.
  • Stay focused. Do not let anything divert your attention. Be sure to actively scan the road, use your mirrors, and watch out for pedestrians and cyclists. If you have passengers, enlist their help as a “designated texter.” Ask them to answer your calls, respond to texts, and program the navigation.


Tennessee’s “Hands Free” Law

Tennessee’s “Hands Free” law took effect on July 1st, 2019, and prohibits hand-held cell phone or mobile device use for all drivers. Violation of the law is a Class C misdemeanor and will cost you a $50.00 fine for the first offense.

For more information, visit handsfreetn.com.

About AAA – The Auto Club Group

The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second-largest AAA club in North America with more than 14 million members across 14 U.S. states, the province of Quebec, and two U.S. territories. ACG and its affiliates provide members with roadside assistance, insurance products, banking, and financial services, travel offerings, and more.

ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with more than 60 million members in the United States and Canada. AAA’s mission is to protect and advance freedom of mobility and improve traffic safety.

For more information, get the AAA Mobile app, visit AAA.com, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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