Clarksville, TN – City of Clarksville’s Office of Housing & Community Development is inviting organizations to apply for special Community Development Block Grants that address COVID-19 Coronavirus impacts.
Clarksville is proposing amending its CDBG Annual Action Plan to allow Housing & Community Development to apply for and use $1.4 million in new grants for eligible COVID-19 Coronavirus related needs.
Money for the grants comes from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) through allocation of supplemental CDBG Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds.
Organizations interested in applying for these grants must attend at least one virtual meeting and then submit an application to the Clarksville Office of Housing & Community Development.
Two virtual teleconferences are scheduled:
- The first will be offered at 11:00am Friday, October 30th. The link to join Friday’s teleconference is . The teleconference can also be joined by calling +1 617,675,4444?? PIN: 194 637 382 3107#.
- The second will be at 4:00pm Monday, November 2nd. The link to join Monday’s teleconference is . The teleconference can also be joined by calling ?+1 617,675,4444?? PIN: 807 012 374 9031#??.
CDBG-CV grants fund local public services and small business assistance programs; and public health, emergency response, or temporary housing facilities that address COVID-19 Coronavirus impacts.
Eligible organizations must be registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501 (c) (3) entity. Each activity must meet a national objective, be an eligible activity, and be carried out to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the coronavirus.