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President Donald Trump on the Right Side of History in Confronting Latin America’s Dictators

The White HouseWashington, D.C. – “The brutal regimes in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua pose a grave threat to our country’s national security interests.”

“We must continue to consistently deny funds to these regimes, which work together to oppress their people, wreak havoc in our hemisphere and oppose U.S. interests,” Representative Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) writes in the Miami Herald.

The White House - West Wing. (Official White House Photo)

“The Donald Trump administration has responded effectively to this reality, marginalizing these intertwined dictatorships while supporting humanitarian and pro-democracy efforts for the populations they oppress.”
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The United States is investing over $480 million for a new COVID-19 Coronavirus test that produces results in about 20 minutes—without needing to be processed at a lab, Will Feuer reports. “The test is already in use by a number of clients, including the National Basketball Association, which successfully played out its season.” Read more in CNBC.
Watch: President Donald Trump is slashing red tape to save lives!


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