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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn Report: Fulfilling Our Constitutional Duty

Marsha Blackburn Report: Fulfilling Our Constitutional Duty

U.S. SenateWashington, D.C. – This week, we honored the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a smart, talented trailblazer who mentored women in the judiciary. She worked hard to achieve prominence on her own merit, and I thank her for her service to our country. 

Yesterday, September 26th, 2020, President Donald Trump announced Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to serve as our next Supreme Court Justice. Twenty-nine times in American history there has been a vacancy in a Presidential election year, and all twenty-nine times the President has made a nomination. My colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee will do our due diligence in vetting Judge Amy Coney Barrett as is consistent with the Senate’s Constitutional duty to provide advice and consent to the President.

Senator Marsha Blackburn.
Senator Marsha Blackburn.

Reining In Big Tech

America’s biggest tech platforms have gained enormous influence over the availability of information. Moreover, we have evidence showing that content moderators consistently manipulate the online experience in favor of the loudest (and usually most liberal) voices in the room.

Consumers won’t be able to hold these platforms accountable for this ingrained ideological bias until Congress steps in and modernizes the liability protections Big Tech companies use to justify deleting content they disagree with. Senators Roger Wicker (Chairman of Commerce Committee), Lindsey Graham (Chairman of Judiciary Committee), and I recently released legislation to address the problem. Read my op-ed in the Washington Examiner to learn more.

ICYMI: News You Can Use

Finally…SEC football kicks off this weekend! SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey and I discussed how he was able to lead the conference through to gameday, and the NCAA’s inability to represent the interests of student athletes.

Despite what the media is reporting, President Donald Trump and the Senate Majority will always protect those with pre-existing conditions, and work to put doctors and patients in control of their health care.

Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist, joined me on Facebook Live to discuss how Google lied about their efforts to deplatform the conservative news site. 

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and I both agree that we do not need to defend big tech companies abusing their position in the market. 

Divisive voices are hard at work, doing their very best to convince our friends, families, and neighbors that our founding principles are no longer good enough. They want us to believe that America as we know it is suddenly irredeemable, but I believe that in the end, these efforts will all be in vain. The American people remember where we came from.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump presented the inaugural America’s Workers Presidential Award to Volkswagen Chattanooga. Congratulations!

Marsha’s Roundup

  • Big wig executives at Netflix are partnering with a Chinese writer that has pushed genocidal rhetoric regarding the Muslim Uyghurs, and openly supported Beijing’s internment of religious minorities at “re-education” camps in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. In a letter to Netflix, I called out the company for cozying up to Communist China to turn a profit.
  • Contractors are the lifeblood of Arnold Air Force Base and its Engineering and Development Complex. They are essential to accomplishing vital national security missions. After hearing reports that Arnold contractors were not being paid during the pandemic, I moved quickly to address the issue. Through in-depth discussions with base leadership, contracting officials, Pentagon lawyers, and Secretary Barrett, we successfully achieved a new determination from the Air Force’s policy interpretation office. The result? Our personnel here at Arnold are finally receiving the back pay they deserve.
  • During COVID-19 Coronavirus, bankruptcy courts have become vitally important for people and businesses trying to restructure or seek relief from debt. This week, my fellow Tennessee Congressional colleagues and I were able to secure a short term extension for the bankruptcy judgeship in the Eastern District of Tennessee. This will allow Tennesseans to continue to seek relief during these difficult times.
  • It’s National Rail Safety Week, and a perfect time to remember that any time is train time! Trains do not always run on schedule. They can run at any time, on any track, and come from any direction. Be aware and be prepared to stop! 

Coronavirus Resources

  • COVID-19 Coronavirus testing sites can be found here
  • General information about the coronavirus can be found here
  • Information regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus in Tennessee can be found here
  • You can call the Tennessee Coronavirus Public Information Line from 10:00am to 10:00pm CT at 877.857.2945.
  • Information for cleaning and disinfecting your home when someone is sick can be found here

Stay In Touch

As a reminder, you can reach any of my six offices in Tennessee to share a concern or request assistance with a federal agency. 

Be sure to follow my work on behalf of Tennesseans on social media

Facebook: facebook.com/marshablackburn
Twitter: @MarshaBlackburn
Instagram: @MarshaBlackburn

My Best, 



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