Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Clarksville, TN – For the 16th consecutive Halloween, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (PKP) at Austin Peay State University (APSU) is collecting new and gently used children’s books for its Candy for the Mind project.
Members of the campus and local community are invited to support this effort through donations of books or money for the purchase of books.

G.H.O.S.T. (Great Halloween Options for Safe Trick-or-Treating) is the on-campus alternative for safe trick-or-treating and will be from 4:00pm-7:00pm, on October 28th, 2018 in Fortera Stadium.
Currently, PKP has some books on hand for distribution during this year’s G.H.O.S.T., but needs many more. In addition, the APSU PKP Chapter will donate $100.00 to a campus organization’s philanthropic effort for collecting and donating the most books.
Since the inception of the Candy for the Mind project in 2003, thousands of children who trick-or-treat at APSU have been thrilled to receive a book as a Halloween treat. Candy for the Mind encourages children to read and value that experience, and reading is at the heart of the PKP motto, ‘Let the love of learning rule humanity.’
Collection boxes for new or gently used children’s books have been placed in the Woodward Library, Sundquist Science Complex, Harned Hall and in several locations in the Morgan University Center. Donated books can be placed in the receptacles through Friday, October 19th.
Financial donations also will be accepted. PKP members will use the money to purchase age-appropriate books. A check, made out to “PKP Candy for the Mind,” should be mailed to the PKP treasurer, Debbie Shearon, APSU Box 4534, Clarksville, TN 37044.
For information, contact Dr. Christophe Konkobo, PKP president, at 931.221.7596 or or Michele Tyndall, PKP public relations officer, at 931.221.6432 or