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HomeNewsChristmas Holiday Message from Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan

Christmas Holiday Message from Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan

City of Clarksville - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – At this time of year, many of us celebrate the traditions of Christmas and the traditional Christmas story. Most of us know the story: Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, the three wise men. We know there was no room at the inn. And we know how baby Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a simple manger.

It’s an important story because of what it stands for: Endurance, hope and survival, peace and goodwill, family, humility and love.

Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan
Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan

With that hopeful story at its core, celebrating Christmas has always brought my family together in a special way, and we’ve built a wealth of joyous memories.

But this year’s celebration of Christmas in the McMillan household will be a little different. With our children grown and living in distant cities, like many of our peers, my husband Larry and I decided it was time to downsize. So earlier this year we sold our family home of nearly two decades and moved into a newer, smaller house.

While the craziness of moving is mostly over (thank goodness), I’m now facing the realization that many of our family’s Christmas traditions will have to change. For example, the large tree we gathered around for many years, simply won’t fit in our new house. And a new, smaller tree won’t hold the dozens of cherished ornaments gifted each year to me and my children by my mother.

So I’m a bit sad that some of the usual decorations had to be retired, and the familiar gift-opening positions around the tree may have to change. Yet I’m still confident that this will be a great Christmas. In fact, I’m feeling that this season will provide an opening to an even deeper appreciation of the season.

I know that even amid a year of change, the love and joy that always have been at the core of our Christmas will still be there. We will be together, a strong, faithful and optimistic family gaining even more strength from another Christmas together.

The Christmas story teaches us that the holiday season is one of giving, remembering, and appreciating all our blessings. I truly appreciate the opportunity to serve the people of Clarksville and am very proud to be your Mayor. From my family to yours, I wish each of you a safe, happy and healthy holiday season of joy, hope and comfort.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


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