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HomeNewsTDH and TDOS Encourage Safe Viewing During the Total Solar Eclipse

TDH and TDOS Encourage Safe Viewing During the Total Solar Eclipse

Tennessee Department of HealthNashville, TN – A total solar eclipse, when the moon completely covers the sun, will be visible Monday, August 21st, 2017. Tennessee is one of 14 states that will be in the path of totality, a 70 mile-wide path where the sun is completely blocked by the moon.

The Tennessee Department of Health encourages everyone to enjoy this once in a lifetime event, but urges eye protection and common sense safety.

Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse

?‘’The solar eclipse will be an amazing viewing and learning experience for children and adults,  but it’s extremely important to take proper precautions to protect your eyes,’’ said Chief Medical Officer, David Reagan, MD, PhD.

‘’The sun is so bright that looking directly at it can cause permanent eye damage in seconds. It is necessary to use proper solar filters, such as the filters in eclipse viewing  glasses from reputable manufacturers that meet the ISO 12312-2 standards, which should be printed on the glasses. The filters must not be scratched or damaged. People can view the sky without using any filters only during the brief period when the sun is hidden by the moon, which lasts at most for 2 minutes and 40 seconds,’’ stated Reagan.

If you plan to view the eclipse through a camera, you must place a solar filter on the front of the lens. because the lens may concentrate the light, making it unsafe to use eclipse glasses while  viewing. The same is true for viewing through binoculars or a telescope, unless specifically made for solar viewing.

For more information on viewing safety go to https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/safety, or www.cdc.gov/features/solar-eclipse-safety/index.html

Because parts of Tennessee are in the path of totality during the eclipse, many people are expected to travel here for the event. The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security urges everyone to be safe on the roadways.

‘’I am excited about tourists visiting our state to experience this once in a lifetime event,” Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner David W. Purkey said. ‘’The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be working extra shifts to make sure our highways are fully operational and to  keep you safe. It is important to keep traffic flowing during the eclipse. We encourage eclipse seekers to attend one of the many events planned across the region and enjoy your stay in Tennessee.”

Road safety tips include:

  • Don’t stop along the Interstate or park on the shoulder
  • Exit the roadway to a safe location to view or photograph the eclipse
  • Don’t wear eclipse glasses while driving

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