APSU Sports Information
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University (APSU) Athletics is amidst its first-ever online-giving campaign, #GovsGive, and there’s still time for you to get involved at www.GovsGive.com
The campaign began 6:00pm, Monday, and will continue as 90 hours of giving to raise $90,000 for Austin Peay State University. Included in that is $25,000 worth of matching gifts directly benefiting Governors Athletics.
Those matches came from several generous donors, including Tom Edwards, Jack Turner, Kevin Kennedy Jr. and Adonia Kennedy, First Advantage Bank, The City Forum, Carl and Paula Henderson, Ed Walls, and Kevin and Lisa Carter.
Govs Give also is part of the Heritage Bank Battle of the Border, which is focused on the number of participating donors. In short, a gift of any amount would count towards the Heritage Bank Battle of the Border.
Governors Athletics’ vision is to be the premier athletics department in the Ohio Valley Conference. Athletics Director Ryan Ivey and his staff have been innovative in generating revenue to increase what has long been one of the lowest operating budgets in the league.
Govs Give is a great opportunity for student-athlete alumni, fans and friends get involved.