Clarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.
This weeks highlights include: 50+ Olympics, Public Input Wanted and Day in the Park.

Public Input Wanted
The City of Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is applying for grant funding through the Local Parks and Revenue Fund offered by the State of Tennessee. The proposed project involves major renovations and upgrades to Swan Lake Pool to include repairs to the pool and deck, replacing the baby pool with a splash area, renovations to the bathhouse and parking lot and adding aquatic amenities (pavilions, cabanas, shade structure, lighting and fencing).
Please share your comments online at about the project by April 15th, 2016 at 5:00pm. Public meetings on the project are scheduled for April 4th, 2016 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm at the Swan Lake Tennis Pro Shop and April 7th, 2016 from 5:30pm – 6:45pm at the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Conference Room, located at 102 Public Square.
Day in the Park
Join Clarksville Parks and Recreation and APSU students for a family fun day in the park on Saturday, April 23rd from 9:00am to noon at Liberty Park. Park visitors can enjoy giveaways, games, free B-cycle rides, food trucks, and more. Come and learn about the wide variety of activities Clarksville Parks and Recreation has planned for the spring and summer.
50+ Olympics
From now through Friday, May 6th, adults fifty years of age and older can register for the Clarksville Parks and Recreation 50+ Olympics.
The 50+ Olympics encourages participants to maintain an active lifestyle and continued participation in sports and recreational activities. No experience is necessary!
This year’s friendly competitions will be held May 17th-21st at various locations around Clarksville, to include the Pinnacle Bowling Center, Swan Lake Sports Complex, D&D Blacklight Mini Golf, Rossview High School track, and the Wilma Rudolph Event Center.
Participants will face off for bragging rights, as well as medals in 20 events including shuffleboard, table tennis, track & field, bowling, basketball free throw, pickleball and glow-in-the-dark mini golf.
Participants who register on or before April 22nd qualify for the Early Bird Rate of $20.00. The cost to register April 23rd through May 6th is $25.00. The registration fee includes a complimentary event t-shirt, swag bag, and dinner ticket. Interested participants can register in-person at Clarksville Parks and Recreation, located at 102 Public Square, or at any of our three community centers.
A printable registration form is available online at
The 50+ Olympics will begin with an opening reception at 10:30am on Tuesday, May 17th, at Uffelman Estates, located at 215 Uffelman Drive. The closing dinner and awards ceremony will feature a fun island luau theme and will be held at 5:30pm on Saturday, May 21st at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center at Liberty Park. Dinner tickets are included in the registration cost, but for others who would like to attend the dinner and award ceremony, a $10.00 ticket may be purchased.
Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s 50+ Olympics is sponsored by Uffelman Estates, Kroger, The Leaf-Chronicle, The Pinnacle Bowling Center, D&D Blacklight Mini Golf, and Tiny Town Villages.
For more details on Clarksville’s 50+ Olympics, please contact Clarksville Parks and Recreation at 931.645.7476 or visit
About the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department
The mission of the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is to provide a variety of positive recreational experiences to enhance life values for individuals, families, and our diverse culture.
The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide variety of recreational facilities and activities for all ages, maintains more than 700 acres of parks and facilities, provides 22 park facilities that offer a variety of amenities, including playgrounds, picnic areas, walking trails and pavilions or picnic shelters and maintains three community centers with year-round programming for youth, adults and seniors, as well as four public swimming pools
The Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department is located at 102 Public Square, Clarksville.
To learn more, visit or call 931.645.7476.