Nashville, TN – Speaker Pro Tempore Curtis Johnson (R-Clarksville) announced today that a local circuit court judge will be added in the 19th Judicial District, which encompasses Montgomery County and Robertson County. The funding for the additional judge will be included in Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam’s annual budget, unveiled today.
“I sincerely appreciate the Governor recognizing the need for an additional judge in our region,” said Johnson. “The 19th Judicial District has the heaviest caseload in relation to the amount of judges we currently have, and this position is an important factor in ensuring the process is efficient and effective. I am proud to have worked with Governor Haslam on this issue.”

Since its creation in 1990, the district’s population has more than doubled, but has not received additional state trial judges. District 19 was the 3rd fastest growing judicial district in the state between 1980 and 2010.
Using 2010 census figures, District 19 has the highest population to judge ratio in the state, some 60,000 people per judge, or more than 1.5 times the statewide average.
“With this addition, cases will receive the attention they deserve, and I was honored to be a part of seeing this additional funding through,” concluded Johnson.
Curtis Johnson serves as Speaker Pro Tempore of the Tennessee House of Representatives, a position to which he was elected by his colleagues. He represents House District 68.