Golden Pond, KY – This fall marks the 35th Anniversary of The Homeplace at Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area (LBL).
Come to The Homeplace on October 12th-14th and enjoy some of our most popular programs that we’ve offered at The Homeplace over the past 35 years. For a complete list of programs, see the Calendar of Events at
The Homeplace, located in the Tennessee portion of Land Between The Lakes, officially opened in October 1978. The Interpretive Center, which houses a theater and historic displays, opened in 1980.“The Homeplace continues to provide cultural interpretation of a yeoman (middle class) farm life with a strong emphasis upon mid-19th century history and conserving natural resources,” says Cindy Earls, Special Events Coordinator. “Conservation messages transcend time comparing our dependence on nature then and now being vital to healthy lives.”
“Everyday visitors watch, learn, and share stories as we do chores to keep our farm in order. From grade school children to senior citizens, we help bring a sense of what life was like in the mid-1800s by demonstrating the value of hard work, ingenuity, good planning, practical skills, and team work needed to survive.”
Come Outside and Play at Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area. Managed by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Land Between The Lakes provides outdoor recreation, lake access, and environmental education for the public to enjoy.
Visitors are encouraged to review the official website at often for Calendar of Events, updates on programs and policies, safety information, maps, temporary trail and road closures, and more, or call 800.LBL.7077 or 270.924.2000.
Follow LBL on Twitter @LBLScreechOwl or @LandBtwnLakes. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.