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Sunday, July 14, 2024


Leap of Faith MinistriesClarksville, TN – The most common form of drug abuse is alcohol. It provides a temporary high, a chance to forget the problems of the moment, and a relief from tension. But, like other drugs it is demoralizing and destructive.

God’s original intention was that wine should be enjoyed by men and women, but in moderation. (Psalm 104:15) He warns against overuse that results in the loss of ability to make proper decisions. (Proverb 31:4-5; Hosea 4:11)

He permits the use of wine in areas where the water causes stomach disorder (I Timothy 5:23) and advocates its medical use for the dying (Proverbs 31:6-7). But the danger, of course, is that people might abuse a God –given gift by becoming alcoholics. God warns believers against over doing it (Roman 13:13)

He clearly says no drunkard will inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthian 6:10) When abused, “wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby isn’t wise”. (Proverbs 20:1)

In cultures like ours, where drinking might stumble another person, believers should practice total abstinence, that is, stay away from alcoholic drinks completely. (Romans 14:21) A believer shouldn’t need to uses wine as crutch.

The Apostle Paul said to be filled with the Holy Spirit, rather than wine, is the way to go for a child of God. (Ephesians 5:18).

Don’t be fooled into thinking alcoholism is a sickness. It is a sin. The Bible says that it’s a sin and that no alcoholic will inherit the kingdom of God. (I Corinthians 6:10) Man is morally responsible for his behavior and he can’t escape that responsibility by the Lord himself.  (I Corinthians 9:26-27)

It is also an expensive habit, often diverting money that should be used for family or personal needs. Solomon said that anyone who loves wine (excessively) won’t be rich. (Proverbs 21:7) And the prophet Joel describes men that are so desperate for it that they will sell a girl to buy it. (Joel 3:3)

The effects of alcoholism on a person’s health are well known, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney trouble, heart ailment, and damage to brain cell. The average life span of an alcoholic in the U.S. is 51, much shorter than the national average. Alcoholism during pregnancy may prove harmful to the unborn child. Someone said, “God forgives our sins, but our bodies never do”.

Add to that the work hours lost, the frequent inability to hold down a job, the devastation it causes in family life, the manslaughter caused by drunk drivers, the suicides and murder committed when under the influence.

Recent statistic show that over 80% of those locked up in jail or prisons committed their crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It all adds up to a bad scene. Solomon gives a classic description of an alcoholic (Proverbs 23:29-35).

The only way a person cans ensure that he won’t become an alcoholic is by staying away from alcohol completely, any believer who has a problem with alcohol should try a few of these solutions:

  1. Get rid of any remaining supply of alcohol you have. This will test your sincerity.
  2. Pray continually for the power to stay away from the bottle when tempted. “Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil”. (Matthew 6:13)
  3. Resist every temptation to drink (Proverb 1:10) you can do this by calling the Lord to help (Proverb 18:10) every victory will help you to win over the next temptation  (I Corinthians 10:13).
  4. Confess every failure immediately to God (I John 1:9)
  5. Avoid places and people that will bring back old temptation (Romans 13:14)
  6. If possible find a mature believer who will pray with you and be a friend to you during difficult times.

Created To Believe: The Power of Praise Through Practical Biblical TruthsIf you are really serious about giving up alcohol, God will give you all the needed power to overcome. But you must mean business.


Excerpt from Created To Believe: The Power of Praise Through Practical Biblical Truths written by Richard “Reason” Garrett

Copyright © 2011 Liberated Publishing Inc



Richard Garrett
Richard Garretthttp://leaporg.net/
City Councilman Richard "Reason" Garrett has gained extensive business knowledge and negotiating skills as the Executive Director of the LEAP Organization.  LEAP Org provides youth development services.  As a licensed realtor for Keller Williams Realty, he is known for his tenacity, perseverance, honesty, and fairness.  A proud APSU alum, Richard graduated with Honors with a Bachelors in Public Management.
Richard is a former active duty Marine, father of 4, and a husband with strong ties to the community. He is a graduate of Leadership Clarksville and a member of Clarksville Rotary, Clarksville Area Ministerial Association, Chamber of Commerce, Clarksville Association of Realtors Public Relations & Charity Relations Committees, and Clarksville Community Partners Group.
For more information on Richard visit www.reason4clarksville.com. He can be contacted directly at 931-378-0500 or via email richard@reason4clarksville.com

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