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HomeSpiritualityBeing a Christian on Facebook

Being a Christian on Facebook

Being a Christian on Facebook - Clarksville, TNClarksville, TN – I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It’s a great way to get the word out about my blogs and our small business. It’s fun to see friends’ pictures, funny videos and current events. I can stalk my friends and see what they are doing on vacation and how they are decorating their dining room.

But Facebook has its challenges. The first one, and the biggest one for my friends, and me is dealing with the negative. There are two types of negative: the kind you read, and the kind you feel. 

Here is what I mean by the kind you read: We’ve all been there. We see the third post in one day about someone’s breakup. Or we see the guy who is always complaining about his job. Or we see the political posts, the controversial ranting, and the religious slamming.

People say Facebook isn’t real life, and in some ways, I will concede to that. I liken it to the airport: it’s a world all its own with unique conditions, but it’s full of people, real live humans; and when the grumpy sets in, the grumpy spreads like wildfire. And we can’t say it’s not real life online!

When we get that promotion, marriage proposal, or new puppy, we post about it because we want others to celebrate with us. So how can we think that when we say something rude, judgmental or offensive that they are supposed to just swallow it like a gulp of southern sweet tea and smile like a Care Bear?

It’s difficult to be a Christian on Facebook sometimes. It’s not because of what I read so much, but it’s because of how I feel when I read it. When I don’t like the language they type do I delete them or hide their posts, even though in anger I might say the very same words?

When someone gossips or laments about their life’s drama, do I shake my head and wonder what they are thinking, or do I send them a quick message to say, “thinking of you”?

When someone I know disregards my faith; or refers to my beliefs as foolish, antiquated or even unkind and judgmental, what do I do? Do I ignore them, defend my faith, pray for them, or send them a private message to express my feelings?

I’m not going to lie: sometimes Facebook drives me bonkers! I don’t always feel kind or godly when I read some of the posts, especially when they feel personal. I am also completely aware that I, or my posts, are not everyone else’s cup of tea either. I try to be patient, and I hide posts that really upset me so I don’t dwell on them.

I don’t delete people (unless it’s truly toxic) because it’s not the people that bother me; I just have to shield my heart and mind from conversations that upset me until I can deal with them maturely and appropriately, or let it go completely.

I like looking at my friends’ stuff. I like seeing your new cars, your homemade cupcakes, your date nights, your ultrasounds, your toes in the sand, your WODs, your homecomings, and your grandbabies in sunglasses. I can even tolerate some Pinterest posters, some good-spirited debates and some PDA.

I like liking your posts and your pictures. I enjoy celebrating with you! But I am delicate, and our moods travel over the Internet like a pop-up virus. As Christians, would it be worthwhile to pray before we post something impactful, as we would do so before addressing an important matter with a loved one? That “POST” button is a mighty powerful tool. How are you using it?

Kris Wolfe
Kris Wolfehttp://www.morningglorydevo.com/
Kris Wolfe is a Christian, wife and mother. Kris is a freelance writer who focuses on spiritual and practical encouragement. Kris also writes lessons for small group purposes for churches and is a small group coach.  Kris has a master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from Luther Rice University and Seminary and is a listed TN Supreme Court Rule 31 Mediator. Kris covers topics such as dating, marriage, parenting, divorce, post-divorce recovery, and the blended family. Read more from Kris Wolfe at MorningGloryDevo.com or follow on Twitter @MrsKrisWolfe

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