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HomeSpiritualityPraying Over Backwards

Praying Over Backwards

Pulled MuscleClarksville, TN – It’s been a while since I have written so I figured today is the day. After all, I can’t really work… or move much.

I was working out this morning at CF Sola Gratia (near Crossfit Sola Fide, behind Sam’s Club). I’ve been doing crossfit for a couple months now and have been seeing better results than I expected. I was used to going to a gym but gyms get fairly boring after a couple of workouts.

This morning I had a great warm up and I worked up to the weight I would use on my deadlift. After 41 reps I was setting the weight down and I felt it – SNAP! – a muscle said “goodnight.” I’m not sure if it is my gluteus or where my upper hamstring connects, but either way, it was on fire. On to the prayer, stretching and essential oils.

Since I could’t be up and around I settled into a chair in the living room. After getting some computer stuff done for the businesses I was at a point of pondering… …why did I hurt my back? From working out?  Or, is there a reason why I’m somewhat confined to this chair today? No, I don’t think God made me do it. :)

Although, I do believe God wants to use our hurts. Think about it – the first thing I did (besides groan in pain) was pray. I remember facing the ceiling and asking God to heal my back and relieve the pain. When I got in my truck to head home I texted my wife and she immediately responded with prayer.

When I got home my mother-in-law prayed for me. She was going to meet with one of our pastors who would also pray with her for me. I gathered my kids and had them pray for me.  I reached out on Facebook for prayer.  Yes, I stretched. Yes, I used some essential oils. Yes, I used an ice pack. So far, I’m still not healed. I can, however, move a bit more and I’m not as uncomfortable. Prayer is working! I can say that it’s not so much what I’m doing but what God is doing to heal my body. He created it, He can fix it.

  • Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
  • John 14:14 If you ask anything in My name I will do it.
  • 1 John 5:14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

I guess the reason for this blog today is to encourage you to pray. If we had to live life on our own, by our own works, by our own strength, we’d fail miserably. I’ve done that – failed miserably at times because I’ve done things my own way. It’s much more comforting knowing that I have a Father in heaven who has the best for me.

My way of receiving His best is by talking with Him – by praying to Him. He already knows my thoughts, yes, but He desires the conversation.  Husbands, you could say that your wife knows what you’re thinking, but do you think she would rather have that conversation? You bet she would! :) “She already knows I love her so I don’t need to say it.” Let me know how that works out for you. :)

Pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you. -Dave Ramsey

There’s plenty to pray about today friends. The economy, our country’s spiritual decline, wars, marriages, etc.  Add someone to your prayer list today and fervently pray for them. We all need prayer!

Mat Lasater
Mat Lasaterhttp://www.lasaterscoffee.com
Mat Lasater is the Founder & CEO of the LASATERS®COFFEE, LLC.  He is a Tennessee Licensed Commercial/Residential General Contractor. Mat is married to Annie Lasater, together they have 4 children. Read more at www.matlasater.com. Editor’s Note: Articles by this author contains the view points of Mat Lasater, and may not represent the views of LASATERS® Coffee & Tea Franchisees or their employees; or Clarksville Online, our Staff, Contributors, or Advertisers.

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