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HomeEducationAPSU Phi Kappa Phi chapter plans 2nd annual Big Reveal event to...

APSU Phi Kappa Phi chapter plans 2nd annual Big Reveal event to tap new members

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – It was lunchtime on February 15th, 2012, when the sound of a trumpet blared across the Austin Peay State University campus.

At that moment, professors and pages, dressed in academic regalia, began to address unsuspecting students in almost all of the University’s buildings.

This, a few high-achieving individuals soon learned, was the “Big Reveal,” the first public event to announce the newest nominees – students, faculty and staff – being considered for membership into the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society – creating a new culture for scholastic appreciation.

The main site for this event was the balcony of Harned Hall, where APSU President Tim Hall read the names over a microphone. Campus dignitaries simultaneously read the names at other sites on campus. Other faculty and staff, most of whom are PKP members, served as pages to introduce the readers.

“The Big Reveal adds excitement and a personal touch to the Phi Kappa Phi invitation process on the APSU campus,” Hall said. “It is good to see senior faculty and staff proudly extending membership in this premier honor society to our students. Scholarship is alive and well at Austin Peay State University.”

Currently, the APSU Chapter 191, which was designated a Chapter of Excellence in 2011, has plans for the second annual Big Reveal on February 21st, 2013. Hall, academic deans and professors – all dressed in their academic regalia – will announce the names of the nominees at 12:40pm at various locations throughout the main campus.

“When the names are announced, those selected should understand and appreciate the value of PKP membership and accept the honor of being named to this prestigious society,” chapter President Dr. Dewey Browder, chair of the APSU Department of History and Philosophy, said. “It is a mark of competency and success that will last a lifetime.”

Many of the campus administrators who participated in the 2012 Big Reveal recall the experience as rewarding.

“It is an honor for me to invite our best budding scholars to join this distinguished society,” said Dr. Jaime Taylor, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics.

Chapter Student Vice President Samantha Monk said she “felt a genuine interest” in her PKP membership because of the Big Reveal event.

“Seeing the faculty advocate for Phi Kappa Phi gave the ceremony authority and as a result I was enthusiastic about joining,” she said.

For more information about the APSU Chapter 191, visit the chapter’s website at http://www.apsu.edu/phikappaphi.


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