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Clarksville City Councilwoman for Ward 11 Kaye Jones to hold Town Hall Meeting July 30th

Clarksville City Council - Ward 11Clarksville, TN – Just a reminder of my Town Hall meeting on Monday, July 30th at 6:30pm at the Gas and Water Department building at 2215 Madison Street.

I need to get your input on an item that is up for vote next week. If you cannot attend, please send me an email at kaye.jones@cityofclarksville.com and also cc to citycouncil@cityofclarksville.com. It is important that other Council Members know how different Wards feel about subjects even if they don’t actually represent them.

The item at hand is “Chicken’s in the City.” Councilwoman Johnson is sponsoring an ordinance that would allow certain homeowners that are zoned E-1 , or R1 and R1-A to have as many as 6 hens to be kept in coops. There are set-back requirements and other regulations that would have to be conformed to , but the big question is , do you want your neighbor to be allowed to have hens? No roosters will be allowed.

Again, please let me know how you feel so that I may represent the majority, in my vote.

One other item that is on the table has been brought forward by Councilman Burkhart, and that is a resolution to require “Run Off” elections for Mayor and Councilpersons. It is my opinion that this move is politically motivated, as Mr. Burkhart is up for re-election this year. I personally do not want to start pulling one item at a time out of the Charter and changing them. I believe we do need to address the Charter again, but I will not support this avenue of changing single items.

Please let me know your feelings on these items, and I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend, and thank you again for allowing me the honor of representing you!

Kaye Jones/ Councilwoman Ward 11


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