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Strike Gets Motivated

2nd Brigade Combat Team Soldiers attend Leadership Seminar

Written by Sgt. Joe Padula
2nd Brigade Combat Team PAO

Fort Campbell KY, 101st Airborne Division2nd Brigade Combat Team - Strike

Nashville, TN – Attributes of a great leader include honesty, integrity, accountability, responsibility, trust, passion, able to inspire and having the capability to listen and communicate, stated by Howard Putnam, the former chief executive officer of Southwest Airlines and a speaker at the latest Get Motivated Seminar held at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, October 17th.

Get Motivated Seminar Inc. is a personal training and development company comprised of well-known leaders who speak at large venues on the topic of leadership.  In the crowd of about 17,000 were 196 Strike Soldiers and Leaders of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), who learned much from the high profile motivational speakers.

Steve Forbes, the chief executive officer of Forbes Inc., speaks to an audience of about 17,000 on how to motivate at a Get Motivated Seminar held at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, Oct. 17th. Among the large crowd were 196 Strike Soldiers and Leaders from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div.)
Steve Forbes, the chief executive officer of Forbes Inc., speaks to an audience of about 17,000 on how to motivate at a Get Motivated Seminar held at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, Oct. 17th. Among the large crowd were 196 Strike Soldiers and Leaders from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div.)

“This event was good for Strike Soldiers and Leaders because we learned important leadership skills,” said Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone Antley, first sergeant of Strike’s Co. C, 1st Squadron, 75th Cavalry Regiment. “We’re walking away knowing how to be a better team player and how to bring motivation to Strike.”

The Nashville lineup included former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, past Southwest Airlines CEO, Howard Putnam, CEO of Forbes Inc., Steve Forbes, famed football coach Lou Holtz, comedian Bill Cosby and the 65th US Secretary of State and Strike’s commander in 1976, Gen. Colin Powell. Powell gave specific guidelines on being a better leader, which apply to the military and civilian sectors.

“Take care of your troops by recognizing them; recognize good performance,” said Powell. “Sometimes it’s with a promotion or a medal, a bonus of some kind, but very often it’s that human connection; put your arm around somebody and say, ‘hey man, you’re doing a great job, I’m so glad you’re a part of my team.’ If you want them to believe in your purpose, mission and goals, you have to take care of them.”

Gen. Colin Powell, the 65th US Secretary of State and Strike’s commander in 1976, speaks on a stage and a Jumbo-Tron screen to an audience of about 17,000 on the qualities of leadership at a Get Motivated Seminar held at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, Oct. 17th. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div.)
Gen. Colin Powell, the 65th US Secretary of State and Strike’s commander in 1976, speaks on a stage and a Jumbo-Tron screen to an audience of about 17,000 on the qualities of leadership at a Get Motivated Seminar held at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, Oct. 17th. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div.)

Today’s Strike Soldiers connected with the general’s words and enjoyed hearing what the former Screaming Eagle had to say.

“My definition of leadership was described by Gen. Colin Powell and I liked when he said ‘no matter what somebody’s title is you should treat people with respect,” said Capt. Michael Gold, commander, Co. C, 1st Squadron, 75th Cavalry Regiment. “I enjoyed this seminar and is it good for Soldiers because you learn different techniques of being a good leader.”

Some of the Strike Soldiers attending did not expect to relate to all of the speakers, but learned more from the unforeseen motivators.

“I learned the most from Coach Holtz,” said Sgt. 1st Class Geraldine Hall, the brigade’s legal noncommissioned officer in charge. “It surprised me because I was not expecting anything he was going to say would be relevant to me. He said, ‘either you are growing or dying; grass is either growing or dying…even your marriage is growing or dying; nothing stays in the middle, so what are you doing, growing or dying?’ I’ve been saying that quote everyday since the seminar, it makes so much sense.”

The daylong seminar provided guidance to those in attendance while encouraging the civilians and Strike Soldiers listening. Powell, a leader in the Army and as a statesmen, made closing remarks that lifted people’s heads and instilled a sense of pride, confirmed by the standing ovation he received.

“We’re still the inspiration for the rest of the world, we’re still the ones they come to when they need a problem solved, we’re still a unique nation….and as long as we never forget that’s who we are…a nation of nations…we’ll continue to be the leader of this world that truly wants to be free.”

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