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Sunday, September 15, 2024
HomeNewsPower Outage Update

Power Outage Update

Clarksville Department of ElectricityClarksville, TN – Power has been restored to all of the Clarksville schools, with the exception of Norman Smith elementary. We have a crew working at that location to get service restored to this school within the next couple of hours. 

I would estimate that we still have around 2,000 customers out of service. The main issue remains wires down, caused by fallen trees.

We have several locations with broken poles.  These locations will not be completely restored overnight.  The areas of the broken poles are; Britton Springs/Eva Drive/Peggy Drive/Norris Drive – general area of North Clarksville. There is a steel pole broken on Trenton Road near Creekview Village subdivision, which crews are working on tonight. 

Judging by the reports we are receiving, there are hundreds of areas with some type of wire down. Many of these will likely be phone, cable, fiber and possibly electric lines. We need to stress that no one go near or touch any downed line for any reason.


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