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HomeNewsMore of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team returned from Afghanistan Late Saturday...

More of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team returned from Afghanistan Late Saturday Afternoon.

Fort Campbell, KY – The return of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team from the Khowst Province of Afghanistan continued last night with the arrival of 167 “Red Knight Rakkasans” part of the the 3-320th Field Artillery unit.

Family and friends of the returning soldiers had gathered together to give their loved ones a proper welcome home.

Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team wait for a few moments with their families
Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team wait for a few moments with their families

It started at 5:45pm as the plane touched down to a chorus of cheers.The soldiers rapidly disembarked from the aircraft and proceeded to march to a assembly point near the hangers to drop off their gear so they could visit with their families. Then the soldiers then marched into the hanger before the cheering crowd. After a short ceremony it was time for some quality family time.

This was the first time many of these soldiers had seen their loved ones since early 2010, and it showed. How families reacted to their reunion differed wildly. Some kissed, while others stood in the middle of the turmult lost in each others company. Some posed for pictures. For the family men it was the beginning of the process of sharing the stories gathered during the lost year of their lives.

A young girl watches for her father as he returned home late Saturday afternoon
A young girl watches for her father as he returned home late Saturday afternoon
All set for his dads return
All set for his dads return

After the ceremony it was time for the soldiers to march out to the buses as the families were given a last minute briefing on potential issues that may arise and how to best to handle them.

This was the fourth welcome home ceremony for the 3rd Brigade Combat team this month. Another flight is due in this late this evening.The entire unit is expected to be home by the end of March. They are the vanguard for the return of the entire 11,000 member 101st Airborne Division, which should be fully home by the end of June. On Sunday evening elements of the 717 EOD are due in.

If you are interested in attending a Welcome Home Ceremony visit the Welcome Home Ceremonies Flights Page at the Fort Campbell Web site.


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Bill Larson
Bill Larson
Bill Larson is  is politically and socially active in the community. Bill is a member of the Friends of Dunbar Cave. You can reach him via telephone at 931-249-0043 or via the email address below.

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