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HomeEventsMatthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center celebrates National Health Center Week

Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center celebrates National Health Center Week

The Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center As a part of the National Health Center Week is offering Back-to-School Physicals, Immunizations, Blood Glucose Screenings, and Blood Pressure Screenings until Friday. (See the complete Schedule below) There will be Fun Give-aways for all ages, Healthy Snacks, and Much more. Best of all, the event is free for families without health insurance!

The Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center is located at 230 Dover Road in Clarksville Tennessee. For more information call (931) 920-5000.


  • Back-to-School Physicals Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Immunizations* Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Blood Glucose Screenings Monday – Friday 8:00am – Noon
  • Blood Pressure Screenings Monday – Friday 8:00am – Noon

* Please bring most recent shot records.

All Children under the age of 18 Must be accompanied by an Adult.

About National Heatlh Center Week

The second week of August each year is dedicated to recognizing the service and contributions of Community, Migrant, Homeless and Public Housing Health Centers in providing access to affordable, high quality, cost-effective health care to medically vulnerable and underserved people in the U.S. This year’s commemoration is special because 2010 also marks the 45th Anniversary of the creation of the Health Centers Program.

“Celebrating America’s Health Centers: Turning the Vision into Reality” is the theme for National Health Center Week 2010. This theme highlights the 45 year record of Health Centers in providing affordable, high quality, cost-effective health care to all people, regardless of ability to pay. National Health Center Week 2010 also provides an opportunity to focus on the progress we have made towards fulfilling the goal of our “Access for All America” plan to provide a health care home to 30 million patients by 2015. Each year Health Center Week also sets aside three days to focus on special populations who are often left outside of the mainstream health care system. In 2010 we will observe Tuesday, August 10th as Health Care in Public Housing Day, followed by Health Care for the Homeless Day observed on Wednesday, August 11th, and Farmworker Health Day recognized on Thursday, August 12th.

America’s Health Centers now serve over 20 million people (including 925,000 farmworkers and nearly 940,000 people who are homeless) in 7,000 communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

We invite you to join in a week long celebration, August 8th – 14th, to focus the public spotlight on America’s Health Centers and their work to make sure that everyone who needs a health care home can have one at a health center.

Presidential Proclamation–National Health Center Week, 2010

President Barack Obama recognized National Health Center Week with a presidential Proclamation.


America’s community health centers are a vital component of our health care system, providing underserved communities access to coordinated primary and preventive care. During National Health Center Week, we recognize the important work of community health centers for their role in providing quality, accessible, and affordable patient care as we strive to build a health care system equipped for the 21st century.

Today, community health centers serve nearly 19 million patients across our Nation, and they are essential for underserved communities and vulnerable populations. They provide care to those who need it most, including millions of Americans with no medical insurance and whose illnesses might otherwise result in an unmet medical need or emergency room visit. As comprehensive wellness hubs, community health centers diagnose and treat illness and injury, and emphasize preventive care and wellness practices. Rooted in community-based and patient-centered care, they also respond to the unique needs of their local communities by conducting outreach and education, ensuring patients can communicate with their providers, and linking patients with social services.

My Administration has made significant investments in community health centers. Serving as an economic anchor in many low income and economically struggling communities, community health centers are an integral source of local employment and economic growth. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has already provided unprecedented investments in the construction and renovation of community health centers so they can expand their staff and facilities, adopt health information technology systems, and meet their critical care needs.

The reforms in the landmark new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, also strengthen and build upon our existing system of health care centers. This law invests $11 billion in funding over the next 5 years, enabling community health centers to serve nearly double the number of patients currently receiving care, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. It also finances the construction of hundreds of new community health centers, bringing high quality health care, jobs, and economic benefits to countless individuals and communities.

Community health centers are at the heart of a modern, reformed health care system in America. We must continue to invest in these centers and ensure that comprehensive, culturally competent, and quality primary health care services are accessible in every community across our Nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the week of August 8 through August 14, 2010, as National Health Center Week. I encourage all Americans to celebrate this week by visiting their local community health center, meeting local health center providers, and exploring the programs they offer to keep their families healthy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


Bill Larson
Bill Larson
Bill Larson is  is politically and socially active in the community. Bill is a member of the Friends of Dunbar Cave. You can reach him via telephone at 931-249-0043 or via the email address below.

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