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Sunday, September 15, 2024
HomeOpinionIt is time to protest local natural gas rates

It is time to protest local natural gas rates

The Logo of the Clarksville, TN Gas and Water Department

The city-owned Clarksville Gas & Water is unconscionably raising our gas rates, without warning or explanation, and local media is not reporting on it. My January bill was at a rate of 34 cents per 100 cubic feet, and my February bill was at 51 cents per 100 cubic feet, which was a 50% increase over January’s bill. Now my March bill is at a rate of 68 cents per 100 cubic feet, which is a 100% increase over January’s bill! How much must CG&W charge us in order to create massive public backlash? Please join me, as I am ready to protest now!

David Cutting
David Cuttinghttp://www.DavidCutting.com/
I am married, and the father of six adult children, all of whom are college graduates, one six-year-old daughter, and one three-year-old daughter. I am also a grandfather of four. I studied architecture at Pratt Institute, and then went to work as a surveyor. Afterwards I worked as a field engineer, responsible for construction supervision of highways and buildings. I joined CBS, becoming Manager of Planning and Cost Engineering, and supervised other engineers and architects. Following this value added experience of 20 years I worked another 20 years as owner of a commercial printing business. My dream for America is peace, love, and justice for all.


  1. I would have to agree with you on that, because I had a water leak and they tired to tell me that my house should be using triple the amount of water that we use and my water bill has been extremely high every since that leak. The gas bills are so high that I know they go up every month. I can beleive that they have been raising the rates and I too agree that it is not fair that they are not letting us know that the rates are raising like this. I have to use the gas to heat my house in the winter, so I agree with you on this. I would love to see a change in them just raising the rates and we not knowing until we get this high bill.

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