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HomeNewsMulti-agency drill preps first responders for worst case situation

Multi-agency drill preps first responders for worst case situation

Governor's Square Mall

Several men enter the mall, moving quickly towards the mall office. A suspicious activity call goes out to the police department. The intruders pull weapons from under their clothing. One a pistol another a shotgun. Gunshots ring out sounding unbelievably loud in the confined space. People panic, some hide while others attempt to flee! 35 people are killed or injured. Several minutes later the police start to arrive. After organizing they enter the mall as a mass with guns drawn. They find a scene of carnage and chaos. The less severely injured, some in shock have started to try to make their way from the mall. Officers order everyone to the floor, they have no way of knowing who is a victim and who may be a perpetrator. Some of the officers are left to manage the survivors while the rest continue their sweep. Bodies are strewn everywhere. Two explosives device are found! The bomb squad is called out. A suspect is located in the mall office. Negotiations begin…

One of the gunmen (in black) shoots a Mall Patron

IMG_9757Over 200 local emergency responders, Gateway Medical Center personnel, and volunteers took part in a full-scale crisis response training exercise at Governor’s Square Mall this morning. The exercise was set up for a scenario involving “Black Friday” at the Mall. This allowed for a unique opportunity for many agencies to interact that don’t operate together on a routine basis. The training exercise was successful in identifying ways to improve procedural and operational methods during a critical incident response.

IMG_9598This multi-agency drill was the first of it’s kind held in Montgomery County, but will most likely not be the last. The Drill involved the particpation of the Clarksville Police Department, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department and Bomb squad, the Clarksville Fire Department, Governors Square Mall Security, TEMA, The Department of Homeland Security, Montgomery County EMS, First Call Ambulance Service, and the staff of Gateway Medical Center among others. Evaluators from organizations across several different states also participated.

The Exercise was suggested by Governors Square Mall management who loaned their facility to the City and County to serve as the location for the drill.

Bill Larson
Bill Larson
Bill Larson is  is politically and socially active in the community. Bill is a member of the Friends of Dunbar Cave. You can reach him via telephone at 931-249-0043 or via the email address below.

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