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HomeBusinessClarksville Gas & Water Department seeks Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit

Clarksville Gas & Water Department seeks Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit

City of Clarksville seeks Aquatic Resources Alteration Permits for Hemlock Semiconductor Project

clarksville-logo-rgbIn accordance with state water pollution control and environmental protection laws, today, the City of Clarksville’s Gas, Water, and Sewer Department has applied to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for an Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit, (ARAP). The permit is sought as part of the utility’s plans to perform preparatory infrastructure work at the Hemlock Semiconductor project site.

With the application for the ARAP being formally posted on TDEC’s website, the public comment period is officially in effect. Any persons or parties interested in the details of the permit application or wishing to make comment on the proposed site alteration or wishing to request a public hearing should visit the TDEC website, for more information.

The permit application announcement

NRS09.187 – The City of Clarksville Gas and Water Department proposes to install 14,305 linear feet of gravity sewer line for the Hemlock Semi-Conductor Industrial site and future forecasted growth that will require five crossings of Spring Creek and four tributaries; Clarksville, Montgomery County.

The application described above has been submitted for Aquatic Resource Alteration Permits under The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977, T.C.A. §69-3-108. In addition, a federal permit may be required from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers or from the Tennessee Valley Authority under §404 of the Clean Water Act and §26a of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act , respectively. Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that an applicant must obtain a water quality certification from the state when a federal permit is required. These notices may cover applications subject to §401 or navigation permitting (Rule 1200-04-08).

No decision has been made whether to issue or deny these permits. The purpose of these notices is to inform interested parties of this permit application and to ask for comments and information necessary to determine possible impact to water quality. Persons wishing to comment on a proposal are invited to submit written comments to the department. Written comments must be received within thirty days of the date that the notice is posted. Comments will become part of the record and will be considered in the final decision. The applicant’s name and permit number should be referenced.

The permit application, supporting documentation including detailed plans and maps, and related comments are available for review and/or copying at the department’s Natural Resources Section.

To comment on this permit

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation- Division Water Pollution Control can be reached by writing:

Paul E. Davis, Director
6th Floor, L & C Annex
401 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 532-0625

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