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HomeEventsTennessee Equality Project plans "Advance Equality Day" on Legislative Hill

Tennessee Equality Project plans “Advance Equality Day” on Legislative Hill


On February 17th, Tennessee Equality Project [TEP] is staging “Advance Equality Day” on the Hill in Nashville.

TEP is staging this annual legislative lobbying event to show state and local legislators that their constituency is paying attention to discriminatory and harmful legislation being proposed in the general assembly. TEP has opposed past attempts by so-called conservative members of the state Republican Party to enact proposals from the national level that seek to restrict certain demographics of our populace from enjoying the protections and safeties guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States and the  Tennessee State Constitution.

Tennessee State House of Representatives Chamber
Tennessee State House of Representatives Chamber

In a press statement given to media outlet “Out & About,” the Shelby County Committee of TEP stated, “Tennessee Equality Project’s fifth annual Advancing Equality Day on the Hill in Nashville is nearly upon us. On Tuesday, February 17, citizens from across the state will converge on Legislative Plaza and encounter some changes.

“We face renewed attacks on GLBT rights in the Legislature this year. Sen. Paul Stanley (R-Cordova) re-filed an adoption ban bill [SB0078] on Jan. 29 that “prohibits any individual who is cohabitating in a sexual relationship outside of a marriage that is valid under the constitution and laws of this state from adopting a minor.” Please join us on the Hill to tell Sen. Stanley and other lawmakers that this bill hurts Tennessee children and families.

State Sen. Paul Stanley

“Plan early to take a day off from work or school to meet with your legislators in Nashville. It’s a sacrifice, but it is the kind of effort that makes a difference. If you can’t attend, write your House Representative and Senator to let them know you oppose SB0078.

“Participants will gather at the Rymer Gallery at 233 5th Avenue North (in Nashville) on the morning of AED at 8:30 a.m. for a brief orientation before taking the short walk to Legislative Plaza.
If you plan to stay overnight in Nashville on Monday, join your friends at Tribe for food, fun and a beverage or two (beginning at 7 p.m.).”

More details on contacting your representatives and planning for this event is available at their website: <www.tnep.org>


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