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HomeEventsUnCounted shows tonight at UU Fellowship

UnCounted shows tonight at UU Fellowship

co-uncounter-touch-screen.JPGThe Clarksville premiere screening of UnCounted the Movie will be held tonight at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Highway 41A South at 7 p.m. Admission is free. The film, written and directed by Nashville filmmaker David Earnhardt, addresses the issues surrounding electronic voting and calls for a paper trail documenting all electronic voting.

Activist Bernie Ellis, who is featured in this film, will facilitate a panel discussion on electronic voting following the film.

Earnhardt was also originally scheduled to attend this session and field questions, but a traffic accident on Thursday that injured family members precludes his attending this event.

The program is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalists, the Freethinkers for Peace and Civil Liberties, and Clarksville Online. Refreshments will be served and the public is welcomed to the first public showing in Clarksville of this important film.



  1. David Earnhardt has done a great job of introducing the viewer to most, if not all, of the evidence available regarding vote-fixing and election theft in the U.S. today. I have been following this issue for several years now and what I find most surprising of all is that the perpetrators do not bother to try to hide their perfidy.

    Despite attempts of the voting machine companies and the main stream media to brand those who raise questions about the voting machines as “conspiracy theorists” or “tin-foil hat” nutjobs, the evidence is a matter of public record. What is becoming increasingly evident is that those in control of the levers of power in our nation do not want the ways in which our votes are being manipulated questioned. They want us to think that everything is fine and that anyone who thinks different is a kook whose ideas should be rejected out of hand.

    I challenge you to take the “kook test”. Go see “Uncounted the Movie” and decide for yourself whether you should be worried.

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