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HomePoliticsMarsha Blackburn remains "Missing in Action" in Tennessee

Marsha Blackburn remains “Missing in Action” in Tennessee

Election 2012This is an election year in the 7th Congressional District of Tennessee, but based on Marsha Blackburn’s recent actions you wouldn’t know it. Blackburn seems to feel that she has a god given entitlement to her re-election, and that she doesn’t need to bother spending time during the election season actually campaigning for the votes of the residents of our district.

Indeed at a recent all candidates debate held as a part of the Lawrence County Business and Professional Women forum Blackburn didn’t bother to show up to speak to her constituents.

Credo Amouzouvik is running for Congress in the Seventh District of Tennessee.
Credo Amouzouvik is running for Congress in the Seventh District of Tennessee.

Instead, she sent a surrogate who basically said Marsha Blackburn was too busy campaigning for Mitt Romney to bother showing up at such an important event in her own Congressional District. Blackburn has also spent time campaigning for Mark Green.

This has been the case throughout the campaign season. Even when the candidates opposing Blackburn’s reelection called for her to participate in a Town Hall style debate, she totally ignored the the opportunity to stand up and defend her positions.

Many Tennesseans do not know where Blackburn stands on the most basic of issues so lets lay her real positions bare for the voters:

  • She opposes equal pay for women casting a vote against the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay for Women Act.
  • She supports free trade voting repeatedly for free trade agreements while at the same time opposing legislation which would have helped Tennesseans whose jobs were affected by outsourcing seek retraining for new positions.
  • While many Tennesseans are being put in a pinch by high gas prices Blackburn cast a vote against allowing the Federal Government to be able to do something about them.
  • She opposes allowing the federal government to provide assistance to Tennesseans who are underwater on their mortgages, even voting against regulating the sub-prime mortgage industry which was behind of our nations current financial distress.
  • Blackburn wanted to allow the American auto industry to go bankrupt.
  • Blackburn opposes spending more money on giving our students the best possible education in modern up-to-date schools.
  • Blackburn voted yes on privatizing medicare which would have jeopardized the basic safety net our seniors have come to depend on. She also opposed making basic medical care more available to our children.
  • She supported more big government by casting votes to allow the government the ability to eavesdrop on American’s communications without a warrant. She also cast votes which would have created a defacto federal identity card based on our divers licenses.

You can find out more about Blackburn’s extreme positions at: www.ontheissues.org/House/Marsha_Blackburn.htm

Do her positions sound like the those of everyday Tennesseans? I don’t think so. Everyday Tennesseans believe in helping our neighbors, creating good jobs paying a livable wage, and protecting the rights and liberties enshrined in our state and federal constitutions.

Voters have clear choice in this election do we send Marsha Blackburn, a wolf in sheep’s clothing back to represent us in Congress, or do we elect a new voice, one who is more in touch with every day Tennesseans. Tennessee voters should chose Credo Amouzouvik to represent them in 7th Congressional District of Tennessee.

For more on Credo Amouzouvik visit his website at: www.credoforcongress.com

Editor’s note: The following is a news release from a political campaign, and our publication does not constitute an endorsement or political advertisement for the campaign. Any candidate for public office is welcome to submit campaign releases, position papers, or commentaries to news@clarksvilleonline.com. These are published as our schedule allows.


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